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Organisational Members
Any not-for-profit organisation may apply to join as an organisational member. Organisational MembersTB-HIV, TB-Diabetes, Undernutrition and other co-morbidities
The Union develops, tests, implements and scales up models of care for co-morbid conditions that increase the risk of developing TB, that are prevalent in high TB burden settings, or that adversely affect TB treatment outcomes.
Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
The Union advocates for increased research and development, and conducts clinical trials to reduce treatment time and improve outcomes for patients in countries with the highest burdens of disease.
The Union also provides practical and experience-based support to…
You might also be interested in our work on child and adolescent TB and TB-HIV, TB-diabetes and co-morbidities.
The Union used an operational research approach to test a shortened treatment regimen for multidrug-resistant TB. The study first demonstrated a greater than 80% success rate in Bangladesh, Cameroon and Niger and The Union continued to work to develop and implement shorter…
Understand the issues with our fact sheets
The Union Medal
The Union Medal, The Union’s highest honour, is awarded to people who have made an outstanding contribution to the control of tuberculosis or lung health by their leadership, scientific research, and/or advocacy. The Medal is presented during the Union World Conference on Lung…Honorary Membership
The title of Honorary Member of The Union is granted to a person who has become distinguished through active participation in The Union's activities and the fulfilment of its goals. These members serve as informal advisors to The Union.The Karel Styblo Public Health Prize
The Karel Styblo Public Health Prize acknowledges a health worker or a community organisation for public health contributions to tuberculosis control over a period of 10 years or more. This prize is named in honour of Dr Karel Styblo, Director of Scientific Activities at The…The Union Scientific Prize
The Union Scientific Prize acknowledges researchers at any stage of their career for work in lung health published in the past five years leading up to the Union World Conference in which the award is presented. Nominations are paused for this prize until further notice.Tobacco Control in Viet Nam
Viet Nam has one of the highest smoking rates in the world. One-fourth of the adult population smoke—56% of men and roughly 2% of women over the age of 15. As a consequence, approximately one in eight women and one in five men will die from a tobacco-related illness. An…The Union Young Investigator Prize
The Union Young Investigator Prize was established in 2011 to acknowledge a researcher for work in lung health published in the past five years leading up to the awarding year’s Union World Conference. He/she was aged 35 years or younger at the time of the publications.…Tobacco Control in Philippines
17.3 million adults (28% of the population) use tobacco in the Philippines. Men (48%) have higher rates of smoking than women (9%). 55% of youth (ages 13-15) and 40% of adults are exposed to second-hand smoke in their homes. As a consequence, tobacco kills approximately 87,…Tobacco Control in Pakistan
Over 22 million people (20% of adults) in Pakistan smoke tobacco. 32% of men and 6% of women smoke. However, smokeless forms of tobacco, such as paan, ghutka and naswar, are also popular. More than 1 in four young people (aged 13-15) are exposed to second-hand smoke in their…Tobacco Control in Mexico
Nearly 14 million Mexicans—17% of the population over 15 years old—smoke. One in every four men and one in every thirteen women smoke tobacco. Roughly 51,500 Mexicans die each year from tobacco-related diseases, comprising 10% of all deaths. Approximately 20% of adults are…The Stephen Lawn TB-HIV Research Leadership Prize
The Stephen Lawn Memorial Fund was established in 2016 through a global partnership between the TB Centre of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (UK), the Desmond Tutu HIV Centre, at the University of Cape Town, South Africa and The Union, also supported by The…Princess Chichibu Memorial TB Global Award
The Princess Chichibu Memorial TB Global Award recognises outstanding contributions to global TB control. It is awarded by the Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association (JATA).
The Princess Chichibu Memorial TB Global Award is presented annually in memory of Princess Chichibu of Japan by the Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association (JATA). It is awarded at the Union World Conference the year following the year in which the nomination is made. Further…
2024: Dr Nguyen Viet Nhung
A/Professor Nhung was awarded the 2024 award for his contribution to transforming the landscape of TB and lung health prevention, care and research in Vietnam. His research has also had a profound influence on strategies to control…
Tobacco Control in Indonesia
61 million Indonesians smoke; 67.4% of men and 4.5% of women use tobacco. As a consequence, more than 225,000 people die from tobacco-related diseases every year. More than 97 million Indonesian non-smokers are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke. It is estimated that…Tobacco Control in India
One in every three Indian adults – over 274 million people – uses tobacco. Nearly half of tobacco users consume the cheap, locally-made hand-rolled cigarette called a bidi. Smokeless tobacco, also popular, is used by one in four adults. Half of adults and 27% of youth (aged 13-…Global Strategy for TB Research and Innovation is adopted by WHO Member States
The Union welcomes the adoption of the global strategy for TB research and innovation by Member States of the World Health Organization through a written silence procedure of the 73rd session of the World Health Assembly last week.Past Presidents of The Union
The Union President is responsible for carrying out the decisions of the Board and ensuring the correct functioning of the organisation.The Union's Global Implementation Programme
The programme is funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies under the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use, which promotes evidence-based tobacco control policies in low- and middle-income countries around the world to combat the tobacco epidemic.
In 2023, The…
What we do
The Union's goal is to advance the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) – an international health treaty that provides a coordinated strategy to reduce tobacco use. Our work centres on the WHO’s MPOWER - a package of evidence-…
The Asia Pacific Cities Alliance for Tobacco Control and NCDs Prevention (APCAT) was established in 2016 by The Union Asia Pacific Office in Singapore as a network and forum for subnational leaders working to advance tobacco control in the region. Recognising that subnational…
Join The Union as a tobacco control member
As well as being a scientific institute, The Union has members in 147 countries around the world. From clinical researchers, university faculty, students, and health ministry officials to activists, advocates, nurses and allied health professionals, plus numerous global health…Smokefree
OUR IMPACT: 3.69 billion people in 37 countries through smokefree laws*Tobacco tax
OUR IMPACT: 3.87 billion people in 28 countries through higher tobacco tax*Labelling and packaging
OUR IMPACT: 3.29 billion people in 32 countries through graphic health warnings*Tobacco advertising
The Union has helped 4.13 billion people in 28 countries through advertising bans.