The Ethics Advisory Group (EAG) was established to provide ethical guidance on The Union's work at national and international levels. Its role is to safeguard the dignity and rights of study participants and to promote ethical standards in lung health services.
The EAG reviews every protocol in which a Union staff member or consultant is the principal researcher, likely to be a co-author, or if The Union funds or sponsors the study. Through a formal application process, the EAG evaluates especially the societal value of the study, the methods (poor science is unethical), informed consent forms for studies involving more than record reviews, risks to participants, confidentiality of participant information, local community and researcher/health service involvement and local ethics committee approval.
Studies involving record reviews and existing data must also be reviewed by the EAG. Applications for studies of existing records are reviewed by the Chairperson, other applications by the full committee. If the EAG has concerns or suggestions about ethical issues these are communicated to the applicants. Approval is given when necessary revisions are made.
There is a protocol review fee of USD500, applied at the time of initial application. Fee waivers may be available, and should be discussed prior to submission of applications.
Ethics Advisory Group members

Prof Justin Denholm
subtitle: Co-Chair
Professor Justin Denholm is an infectious diseases physician based at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia, and the Medical Director of the Victorian Tuberculosis Program.
His work includes clinical and public health management of TB and other infectious diseases, as well as research into a variety of aspects of TB relating to ethics, epidemiology, clinical medicine and public health. Justin has an active research program in ethical issues related to TB in society, including public health policy, screening programs and isolation.
Justin has been a member of the Ethics Advisory Group since 2012 and Chair since 2018.

Dr Razia Fatima
subtitle: Co-Chair
Dr Razia Fatima is currently the Chief of Research & Surveillance at The Common Unit to Manage TB, AIDS and Malaria Pakistan with 19 years of diverse public health experience.
She is a medical doctor, has a PhD in Public Health from the University of Bergen, Norway and M.Sc. Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. She had led the international Structured Operational Research Training Initiative in Pakistan since 2016. She has published approximately 65 research papers in international peer reviewed journals. In 2024, she was awarded The Union Medal for TB.

Dr Karuna D Sagili
subtitle: Vice Chair
Dr Karuna D Sagili is a public health researcher based in New Delhi, India. Karuna previously served The Union South East Asia (USEA) Office for over 11 years in various capacities, including being Chair of the Technical Advisory Group and leading the development of USEA’s five-year organisational strategy.
Karuna's focus is on health system strengthening for infectious diseases and neglected tropical diseases. She is an expert in Operational Research and Systematic Reviews. She has published about 60 scientific research publications in international and national peer reviewed journals. Her research on stigma contributed to the National End TB Stigma Strategy adopted by the National TB Elimination Program, whose development she also supported as a technical working group member.
Karuna has been associated with the EAG since 2013.

Dr Sharon Nisha Biribo
Ms. Sharon Biribo is a Lecturer at the Umanand Prasad School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Fiji. Her work includes teaching within the MBBS, Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences, Bachelor of Public Health Programmes and supporting research and capacity development at the School and local Health Research Ethics Committees.
Sharon teaches courses in Clinical Microbiology, Infectious Disease Surveillance & Outbreak investigations, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Research. She is actively involved in national and regional Research Capacity Building activities and is passionate about improving Research Ethics Approvals processes in Pacific Island Countries.
Sharon has been a member of the EAG since 2022.

Prof Nesri Padayatchi
Professor Nesri Padayatchi is a scientist, clinician and epidemiologist in Durban, South Africa at CAPRISA, and is affiliated with the Department of Community Medicine at the University of KwaZulu-Natal Nelson Mandela School of Medicine.
Nesri has over 35 years clinical and research experience in quantitative and qualitative HIV-TB and clinical trials, both self-initiated and international network related. She has 142 publications in peer-reviewed journals including the NEJM and Lancet.
Nesri serves on various Scientific Advisory Boards and Data Safety Monitoring Boards, and has a particular interest in mentoring the next generation of scientists.

Dr Diego Steven Silva
Dr Diego Silva is a Senior Lecturer in Bioethics at Sydney Health Ethics and the School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Australia.
His research centres on public health ethics, particularly the application of political theory in the context of infectious diseases and health security, e.g. tuberculosis, COVID-19 and antimicrobial resistance.
Diego has been a member of the EAG since 2022.