Union Courses

The Union provides educational support to develop clinical expertise, management skills and the ability to discover solutions through research and advocacy. As well as our established series of international courses, The Union also offers tailored, custom courses and several online open access courses.

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Union Courses

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Upcoming Courses

The Union uses our rich expertise to run fee-based courses that develop clinical expertise, management skills and the ability to discover solutions through research and advocacy. 

On Request and Tailored Courses

The Union can help you design courses and curriculum to meet your specific training needs. With expertise in the clinical, programmatic, and organisational management of diseases our team has designed programmes for some of the leading lung health organisations in the world. We specialise in programmes designed to reduce the burden of lung disease, improve overall lung health, better manage TB in low-resource settings, and implement tobacco control programmes.

Take a Union Course Online

Open-access learning

The Union also offers a range of online courses that are free to access. Learn the latest best practices in TB, operational research, drug-resistant TB, attend webinars and much more.

Mother and child in XR room

Open-access learning online

Interpretation of CXRs in Children with Presumptive TB

Chest X-Rays (CXR) play a pivotal role within diagnostic algorithms for TB in children, and so the interpretation of CXRs is now more relevant than ever in the fight against child TB.

Based on our Diagnostic CXR Atlas for Tuberculosis in Children: a Guide to Chest X-ray Interpretation (2nd edition, 2022), this course is designed to provide pragmatic guidance to healthcare professionals working in the diagnosis and management of TB in children.

Take this course today to understand how CXR fits into the diagnostic process, build your confidence in identifying paediatric CXRs, and learning which CXR features are most useful in diagnosing paediatric TB.

Cours en ligne à accès libre

Cours en ligne sur l’interprétation des clichés de radiographie thoracique

La radiographie thoracique occupe actuellement une place centrale dans l’arsenal diagnostique de la tuberculose. Cet important outil délaissé pendant longtemps du fait de quelques contraintes liées à son coût d’acquisition et à la disponibilité de ressources humaines qualifiées est devenu de nos jours de plus en plus accessible.

Il y a donc nécessité que les praticiens surtout ceux exerçant dans les régions les plus éloignées soient outillés pour l’interprétation d’une radiographie thoracique. Si vous êtes médecin exerçant au sein des Programmes Nationaux de lutte contre la Tuberculose (PNT) au niveau national, régional ou périphérique, ou clinicien exerçant en milieu hospitalier, ce cours est pour vous.

Ce cours, entièrement libre d’accès, a été développé dans le cadre du projet CETA sur financement de l’Agence Française de Développement.

Open-access learning online

Child and Adolescent TB Training for Healthcare Workers

Learn from the free and updated material that supports teaching and learning on TB in children and adolescent.

The training package contains teaching modules on: epidemiology, detection, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis and drug-resistant tuberculosis; tuberculosis in particular high-risk groups such as those living with HIV or mothers and infants; and programmatic aspects and data.

This updated training package was developed in collaboration with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation and funded by Unitaid.

Open-access learning online

Prevent Tuberculosis: Management of TB Infection, Part I

This course will improve your knowledge regarding all aspects of TB infection including the identification and treatment of tuberculosis infection. The course will look at what is required to increase country-level implementation of TB prevention, with a specific focus on:

  • People living with HIV in care
  • Household contacts of people affected by TB, especially those under five years of age
  • Persons with risk factors to develop TB

Available in English, Spanish and French - there are six modules in this course, consisting of presentations including graphics, animations, explanations, multiple-choice questions, exercises, and authentic examples. 

This free course was developed thanks to the financial support from Sanofi and SICA (Secretaría General del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana).

Open-access learning online

Prevent Tuberculosis: Management of TB Infection, Part II

Following on from part one of this course, part two is designed to equip you with the latest trends in TB prevention and control, enabling you to enhance your diagnostic and treatment capabilities for TB infection.

Part II of this course will focus on:

  • Strengthen diagnosis and treatment of TB infection
  • Increase country-level implementation of TB infection management
  • TB treatments available.
  • Key populations at risk
  • Recording and reporting TBI

This free course was developed thanks to the financial support from Qiagen.

Union Courses Faculty: Meet our experts

The Union faculty have expertise in the clinical, programmatic, and organisational management of diseases, as well as leading expertise in public health management. Our team has decades of experience and we have designed programmes for some of the leading lung health organisations in the world. 

The Union’s webinars

Open-access learning online: The Union, in collaboration with its global community of members, hosts an ongoing open-access webinar series on tuberculosis, tobacco control, COVID-19 and other lung diseases.

Learn from our experts, members and high-profile speakers, at no cost.

The Union's Child and Adolescent Tuberculosis Centre of Excellence

A virtual network of public health experts in child and adolescent tuberculosis (TB) in the sub-Sahara Africa region, providing a community of learning and practice for child and adolescent TB. The network offers technical expertise, capacity building, south to south learning opportunities, and promotes collaboration across the region.

You can watch open-access Child and Adolescent Tuberculosis Centre of Excellence webinars on The Union website or through The Union's YouTube channel.