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New Union study launches index to measure the sustainability of tobacco control programmes
New research identifies 31 factors that national tobacco control programmes need in order to be sustainable. Published now in the BMJ's Tobacco Control, authors at The Union draw on ten years’ experience assisting governments around the world to build programmes to…
85 percent graphic health warnings now compulsory on tobacco packaging in India
After a two-year battle, a ground-breaking development for public health has seen graphic health warnings on tobacco packaging in India quadruple in size. Harrowing images of the health consequences of tobacco use must now be displayed across 85 percent of the surface area of…
Rapid Rise of Diabetes Mellitus Takes World to Brink of Diabetes-TB Co-Epidemic
This World Health Day, 7 April, The Union calls on the global health community to confront the rising rates of diabetes mellitus. For this year’s event, the World Health Organization (WHO) will highlight the need to address the growing global diabetes epidemic by launching…
Brazil launches first government-run tobacco industry observatory in the Latin America-Caribbean region, with support from The Union
The government of Brazil, in partnership with The Union, has launched an online observatory to protect and strengthen tobacco control policies by monitoring tobacco industry interference, the first such government-run initiative in the region.
The centre-piece of the…
Dr Terry-Nan Tannenbaum
Dr Terry-Nan Tannenbaum, public health physician, passionate anti-TB advocate and former President of The Union North America Region (NAR), passed away on 17 March 2016 after a battle with cancer.
Terry’s distinguished career in public health included serving as…
Tobacco giant forced to withdraw petition against tobacco advertising ban in Pakistan
Pakistan has taken a major step towards banning all tobacco advertising after tobacco giant, Philip Morris Pakistan, withdrew its petition to Sindh High Court challenging a 2014 statutory regulatory order (SRO) that closes loopholes in the existing ban.
Philip Morris…
CDC data show TB increasing in US for first time in 23 years
Today the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data showing that tuberculosis is on the rise throughout the US for the first time in over two decades. Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia registered an increase in TB cases from 2014 to…
Radio Campaign launches featuring Amitabh Bachchan, and Corporates step up commitment to end TB in India
At a Government of India and World Health Organization event in New Delhi this week, India’s Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare Shri J P Nadda launched new initiatives to challenge tuberculosis (TB) in India – including a radio campaign developed by The Union as…
The Director’s Corner _WTBD 2016
A message from José Luis Castro for World TB Day
Last month, US President Barack Obama’s administration proposed a cut of 19% to USAID’s budget to combat tuberculosis. This comes just a few short weeks after the announcement of the US government’s much-lauded…
Dr Paula I Fujiwara: Heading off the human-made disaster of MDR-TB
Dr Paula I Fujiwara knows all too well what happens when funds for tuberculosis programmes are slashed and systems for TB control atrophy. As New York City’s Deputy Health Commissioner in the 1990s, she led the response to the worst outbreak of multidrug-resistant TB…
Availability of delamanid in low- and middle-income countries is an important breakthrough in MDR-TB treatment
In the past 40 years, only two new medications for tuberculosis have been introduced, so agreements to make them available where they are needed most – in the high-burden countries – are critically important.
On 25 February, Otsuka Pharmaceutical announced that…
Project Axshya partners with community radio stations to fight TB throughout India
Amit can still remember the young woman standing alone outside the Primary Health Centre in a rural district of Haryana, India. Her family had thrown her out of the house when she was diagnosed with TB, and had since cut off her contact with her children. As Amit shared this…
Project piloting integrated TB-DM care kicks off in Zimbabwe and Uganda
The Union offices in Zimbabwe and Uganda have begun work on integrated tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus (TB-DM) care in the two countries through a two-year grant from the World Diabetes Foundation (WDF).
High-level stakeholders from both countries met last month in…
The Director's Corner
A message from José Luis Castro for World TB Day
Last month, US President Barack Obama’s administration proposed a cut of 19% to USAID’s budget to combat tuberculosis. This comes just a few short weeks after the announcement of the US government’s much-lauded…
Dr Wanda Walton: “Once I found my home in TB, I never wanted to leave it”
At the 20th Conference of The Union North America Region in Denver, Colorado last month, Dr Wanda Walton received one of the region’s highest accolades – the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Dr Walton is Chief of the Communications, Education and Behavioral Studies Branch…
The Union supports efforts to pass TAPS ban in Peru
The Union’s Department of Tobacco Control participated in a two-day workshop in March to support the passing and implementation of a law that would ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) in Peru. The Union’s legal advisor for tobacco control, Gustavo Soñora…
Union launches new study on prevention and treatment of childhood TB
The Union launched a new observational study investigating tuberculosis transmission in children in February. Close to 2,000 children under five years of age will be enrolled in the research, which is taking place in four francophone African countries: Benin, Burkina…
The Union launches first media partnership and mentoring programme to increase awareness of TB in Zimbabwe
The Union Zimbabwe Office and the Health Journalists Association of Zimbabwe (HEJAZ) have launched a partnership and mentoring programme to increase awareness of TB, multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and TB-HIV, and to empower journalists to report on these and other related…
SORT IT courses receive A+ rating from funder
The Structured Operational Research and Training IniTiative (SORT IT) courses, delivered by The Union and partner Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), have received an A+ rating in a 2015 evaluation by the funder, the UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID…
Air Quality Monitoring Toolkit: Assessing Second-Hand Smoke in Hospitality Venues
The Union and the University of Aberdeen
A toolkit for completing smoke-free compliance assessments of cafes, bars, restaurants and other hospitality venues using low-cost equipment. The method can be used anywhere in the world; it was tested in low and middle…
International Women's Day: Seeking gender parity, but not in tobacco use
A message from the Executive DirectorThe Director’s Corner
The New Year is a time to look forward to challenges ahead and to reflect on progress made in the previous year. The remarkable achievements of 2016 were testament to our staff and membership who deliver The Union’s life-changing work…
A new year’s message from…
The Director’s Corner
The Union North America Region Conference… Enabling global conversations on lung health
A message from José Luis Castro, Executive Director, The Union
Between 22-25 February, the 21st Annual Conference of The Union North America Region (NAR) assembled…
Promote your work to the world at the Union World Conference!
The 47th Union World Conference on Lung Health on 26–29 October in Liverpool, UK offers opportunities for companies and organisations to build partnerships with delegates from more than 100 countries by becoming exhibitors or sponsors.
The exhibition area…
The Union is a 'place of friends and colleagues with mutual interests and common goals.'
The Union is actively calling for members to renew their commitment to the organisation in a year that promises to be one of the most significant in its history.
In a letter to stakeholders, Dr E Jane Carter, President of The Union, said, 'In 2016, all of us…