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US Ambassador brings together corporate leaders for a TB-Free India
Amitabh Bachchan and Ratan Tata join the effortAsia Pacific TB Caucus builds political will to beat TB
Parliamentarians from seven countries formed the Asia Pacific TB Caucus at an historic meeting held this week in conjunction with the 5th Conference of The Union Asia Pacific Region in Sydney, Australia. Delegates from India, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua…
Tobacco control focus at Asia Pacific conference
The pandemic of tobacco-related diseases, global efforts to introduce tobacco control and the tobacco industry’s counter efforts to protect the market for its profitable and deadly products were key topics of discussion at the 5th Conference of The Union Asia Pacific Region…
Asia Pacific TB Parliamentary Caucus held at Union APR Conference in Sydney
Parliamentarians from nine countries participated in the Asia Pacific TB Parliamentary Caucus to consider how best to build regional support for addressing tuberculosis.
Held in conjunction with the 5th Conference of The Union Asia Pacific Region in Sydney,…
The Union Asia Pacific Conference kicks off in Sydney
Union Member News: The 5th Conference of The Union Asia Pacific Region opened on Monday, 31 August in Sydney, Australia. More than 700 delegates from the region have gathered for the three-day conference.Over 90 per cent of the public support smokefree environments in China, major survey finds
More than 90 per cent of participants in the China City Adult Tobacco Survey 2013-14 supported a total ban on smoking inside public places, including healthcare facilities, workplaces, schools and taxis. Over 80 per cent of respondents also supported restrictions on…
Dr Ignacio Monedero: Sharing knowledge and building capacity to address MDR-TB
Dr Ignacio “Nacho” Monedero likes the challenge of practicing medicine in difficult circumstances. Whether it’s rescuing injured climbers on a Spanish mountainside or working in an African bush clinic, he is drawn to situations that remind him why went into medicine…
Bubble CPAP treatment for children with severe pneumonia
In developing countries, mortality in children with very severe pneumonia is high, even with the provision of appropriate antibiotics, standard oxygen therapy and other supportive care. A new study published in The Lancet by researchers in Bangladesh and co-authored by The…
TREAT TB online operational research learning tool now in English and Spanish
Operational research is increasingly recognised as an essential tool for evaluating and modifying health practices and policies. To help meet the urgent need for health professionals with the skills to conduct this type of research independently, the TREAT TB initiative has…
Union study on smoking cessation for TB patients published in BMC Public Health
BMC Public Health has published the results of a Union study that showed 66.8% of TB patients who were current smokers quit when brief advice on smoking cessation and smokefree homes was provided as part of their routine TB care. The study was conducted in 17 primary…
Putting TB on the political agenda: Challenge TB engages parliamentarians
The Zimbabwean Parliamentarian Portfolio Committee on Health has agreed to put tuberculosis (TB) on the political agenda. This commitment was made at a parliamentarian workshop supported by Challenge TB, which took place in Kadoma on 31 July–1 August 2015. Twenty-five members…
NATAB conference on TB highlights importance of tobacco control
Union member newsHealth Affairs op-ed: Heading off the looming diabetes-tuberculosis epidemic
The Union's Senior Advisor Dr Anthony Harries urges action against this global health challenge in his piece on the Health Affairs Blog.OR workshop: sponsored places offered for delegates attending APR conference
Low- and middle-income country delegates attending the upcoming 5th Conference of The Union Asia-Pacific Region may apply for sponsorship to participate in a full-day Operational Research Skills Workshop to be held on Sunday, 30 August 2015. The workshop is part of the…
Tobacco control advocates take Pakistan government to court for reneging on 85% graphic health warnings
Civil society groups in Pakistan have issued a high court petition to prevent the Ministry of National Health Services Regulation and Coordination from withdrawing life-saving legislation to reduce tobacco use. The new law – which was due to come into force on 31 July –…
New study calls for urgent action to integrate anti-smoking strategies into TB, HIV and TB-HIV care
Research published today identifies a critical missed opportunity in current TB, HIV and TB-HIV programmes. Smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke are known to exacerbate these diseases, but evidence-based strategies to reduce tobacco use are not yet routinely included in…
Governments agree on a way forward for global development
UN Summit in September will adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda
The Union joins health advocates around the world in applauding the final Outcome Document of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, which provides a blueprint for achieving optimal, sustainable human…
Myanmar delegation hosted by The Union to observe Scotland’s tobacco control in action
A high-level delegation of ministers, diplomats and academics from Myanmar visited The Union’s Department of Tobacco Control in Edinburgh on 4 August to observe Scotland’s progressive tobacco control laws in action and to meet with experts in healthcare and policy development…
The President of Uruguay meets with The Union to discuss next steps for tobacco control
The President of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez, met on 27 July with Mirta Molinari, The Union’s regional coordinator for tobacco control in Latin America, and representatives from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK) and the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA) to discuss…
Uganda passes tobacco control law in line with the world’s most stringent policies
The Ugandan Parliament passed a law on 28 July that brings Uganda into line with the strongest tobacco control policies around the world. This ground-breaking law will secure some of the toughest restrictions on the distribution, sale and use of tobacco products currently in…
New Maternal–Child Tuberculosis Working Group formed
Maternal TB during pregnancy and postpartum is associated with poor outcomes for both mother and child, especially for HIV-infected pregnant women with TB disease. However, key healthcare entry points for women and children still lack integrated TB screening and prevention…
New tobacco control module for Masters in Public Health programmes in India
Union tobacco control experts have helped develop a new module for Masters in Public Health programmes in India – the first of its kind for the country.
The material was piloted during a five-day workshop attended by 60 students, faculty and senior residents from…
Anne Jones: Advocating for sustainable funding, tobacco control’s next big step
When Anne Jones began working on Australia’s campaign for tobacco control 20 years ago, only a handful of people were involved. Since then, Australia has become a model for what comprehensive tobacco control can accomplish, and Jones has become a leading advisor and…
The Union congratulates President Jorge Sampaio, first recipient of the UN's Nelson Mandela Prize
The Union is pleased to congratulate former Portuguese President Jorge Fernando Branco Sampaio, the recipient of a new United Nations award for services to humanity, for his outstanding work in helping to fight tuberculosis.
Dr Sampaio is the first-ever recipient of…
In memoriam: Dr Annik Rouillon, MD, MPH (1929–2015)
Dr Annik Rouillon, MD, MPH, former Executive Director of The Union and one of the foremost leaders in 20th century public health, passed away on Monday, 13 July 2015 at the age of 85. Serving as both Director of Scientific Activities and Executive Director during her…