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The Union North America to be partner in new Bloomberg Road Safety Initiative
More than 1.2 million people die and 20-50 million people are severely injured in road traffic crashes around the world every year
The Union North America (UNA) has been named as one of eight Road Safety partners who will support the next phase of the Bloomberg…
Policy advances protect health across four continents: A tobacco control update
The Union’s tobacco control activities in Latin America, Europe, Africa and South-East Asia have contributed to recent smokefree laws, new graphic health warnings and a smokeless tobacco ban.
MEXICO: Oaxaca State’s new smokefree law will protect 3…
Meet Dr Bala Thandan: Country Director, Myanmar
A surgeon who entered public health to work with NGOs and health ministries in several countries on HIV, TB, malaria and cyclone recovery, Dr Bala Thandan has now taken on the responsibility of running one of The Union’s largest endeavours – the Myanmar…
The Union/MSF Center for Operational Research: Setting the Standard
Dr Anthony Harries is Senior Advisor and Director of The Union’s Department of Research, and along with Dr Rony Zachariah of Médecins Sans Frontières and The Union’s Ajay Kumar, oversees the Center for Operational Research. In 2012, The Union and MSF entered into a global…
Her Royal Highness Princess Dina Mired, Dr Margaret Chan, Michael R Bloomberg to Address World Conference on Tobacco or Health
Conference theme to be Tobacco and Non-communicable Diseases
The Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards for Global Tobacco Control and
The American Cancer Society's Luther R Terry Awards
to honour outstanding contributions to global tobacco control…
World Cancer Day: 4 February 2015
Lung cancer causes more deaths than any otherMeet Matthew Coghlan: Regional Director, The Union Asia Pacific Office, Singapore
The Union is extraordinarily fortunate to welcome four respected, talented and innovative public health professionals to our leadership team. Bringing diverse and accomplished backgrounds to their new positions, they have joined us as Regional or Country Directors in the past…
Iraqi health care workers receive infection control training from The Union
Health care workers dealing with tuberculosis and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in war-torn Iraq recently participated in a five-day Union course on infection control (IC). Trainings specifically focused on IC are a relatively new endeavor for The Union and…
Dr Dermot Maher appointed Editor-in-Chief of Public Health Action
Dr Dermot Maher has been appointed the new Editor-in-Chief of Public Health Action (PHA), The Union’s quarterly online open-access journal.
Dr Maher is also the coordinator of research capacity strengthening for Tropical Diseases Research, a Special Programme…
Zimbabwe’s Challenge TB (CTB) Year 1 work plan builds on gains made over past decade
Zimbabwe is one of 19 countries whose TB control campaigns have been awarded funds through Challenge TB, the new funding mechanism for global TB response, launched by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). In December, it became the first country to…
WCTOH to provide international forum on challenges, such as increasing use of e-cigs and waterpipes
The 5-day World Conference on Tobacco or Health (17-21 March in Abu Dhabi) will offer a Youth Conference, a full-day update on the WHO FCTC and MPOWER and tracks on new tobacco products, supply and demand issues, the globalisation of tobacco industry interference and the post…
Factsheet 2: Smokefree policies
This factsheet discusses smokefree policies that ban smoking in certain establishments, venues or defined areas; bans are most effective when mandated by legislation with penalties for non-compliance.
Union expert joins Pakistan’s technical working group on tobacco taxation
A Union expert has joined Pakistan’s technical working group on tobacco taxation, following the launch of a report co-published by The Union which demonstrated that tobacco tax reform could lead to 500,000 people quitting cigarettes, and increase tax revenues by 27.2 billion…
Unique and effective tobacco control taskforces in Bangladesh – a new study by The Union
Bangladesh's distinctive approach to tobacco control policy enforcement may offer a sustainable and flexible model for other countries, new Union research suggests.
Taskforces working at district levels to implement tobacco control laws are indicated to be both…
Factsheet 3: Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship bans
The tobacco industry markets its products through advertising, promotions and sponsorship (TAPS). This factsheet covers why TAPS bans must be comprehensive and cover traditional and emerging platforms for marketing.
Factsheet 4: Tobacco labelling and packaging
This factsheet discusses how effective health warnings—those with large, shocking pictures and strong, clear language—on tobacco packs encourage smokers to quit and discourage non-smokers from starting.
Factsheet 5: Mass media campaigns
Mass media campaigns are an essential part of a comprehensive tobacco control programme, as they reduce tobacco consumption and are cost-effective compared to other healthcare interventions. This factsheet focuses on stop smoking campaigns.
The Year Ahead: A message from the Executive Director
Dear colleagues: We recently bid farewell to 2014 and, as I imagine many of you are, I’m looking forward to 2015 with excitement and anticipation. It’s going to be an important year for The Union, and not only because it marks our 95th anniversary. Last December, The Union…
Factsheet 6: Smoking cessation
This factsheet focuses on tobacco dependency as a recognised medical condition; providing assistance for smoking cessation and tobacco dependency treatment are key tobacco control measures.
Factsheet 7: Tobacco and tuberculosis
This factsheet covers the connection between smoking and tuberculosis. Active smoking is significantly associated with TB disease and deaths, while exposure to second-hand smoke is significantly associated with TB disease, and with TB infection among children and young people…
Season’s greetings • Felices fiestas • Meilleurs vœux
- Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season
and a New Year filled with peace and health
The Union
Our illustration shows seals from the Korean National Tuberculosis Association (Republic of Korea), 2nd prize winner in the 2014 Christmas Seals Contest.
- Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season
and a New Year filled with peace and health
The Union
Renew your Union membership now!
Now is the time to renew your Union membership for 2015 in order to remain connected to our 3,000+ network of health experts and advocates and receive professional benefits, including:
Working with colleagues around the world and connecting with members globally through…
First-ever public health management course in Kyrgyzstan focused on performance-based project management
Performance indicators are essential tools for reporting on a project’s progress, informing stakeholders of the quality of the implementation and providing a framework for evaluating the project’s success. However, many public health programmes have difficulty designing…
The Union convenes TREAT TB partners to review results of new research
The Union recently brought research partners together in Washington, DC to share results from five years of TB research that began in 2009. Carried out through the TREAT TB initiative supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), researchers worked with…
Matthew Allen: Guiding tobacco control as it goes from strength to strength
In 1999 Matthew Allen was asked to join the New Zealand government’s delegation to the negotiations on the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Allen was then National Drug Policy manager for the Ministry of Health, and, with his background as a…