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New model villages, new initiatives and accolades for Axshya’s work highlight World TB Day

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The village of Hasegaonwadi in the Indian state of Maharashtra was declared a model Axshya village by the Latur district administration on World TB Day, 24 March 2015. It is one of many Axshya villages being established across India.

Axshya ‘model villages’ are communities that assume ownership for controlling TB and move towards becoming TB-free. Focused interventions to prepare the village for this role include sensitisation meetings with the different groups in the villages; awareness building through media, such as street plays; and training for all available healthcare providers so they can diagnosis and appropriately treat TB patients. The aim is for every adult in the village, as well as its leaders, to have accurate knowledge of TB and its treatment and to support their local patients in seeking and completing treatment.

In Hasegaonwadi, the Project Axshya team conducted two Gaon Kalyan Samiti meetings, as well as 40 Axshya outreach and active case finding activities.

The village is also covered by sputum collection and transportation mechanisms operated by Axshya mitras (trained project volunteers). The entire community is thus fully aware of TB and committed to fighting the disease.

Other new initiatives launched on World TB Day included:

  • A partnership between The Union and Apollo Hospitals to test software that sends reminders to TB patients via text messages, voice calls and counseling to remind them to take their medication and also notify cases to health authorities
  • A nutritional support programme for MDR-TB patients in Salem

Accolades from the State of Maharashtra

In recognition of their contributions to the Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP), the two Axshya partner organisations in Maharashtra – Catholic Health Association of India (CHIA) and Population Services International (PSI)­­ – received medallions from the State Government of Maharashtra.  The high quality of their technical assistance, as well as their collaborative spirit, were cited. In addition, Dr Om Prakash Bera, The Union consultant to the State TB Cell, received a gold medal for his services to the RNTCP.

Axshya (meaning ‘free from TB’) is a five-year civil society initiative to strengthen TB care and control in India, funded by The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria and coordinated by The Union South-East Asia Office and World Vision India (WVI).

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