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Brazil acts to further curb smoking with new law
Brazil has stepped up its fight against tobacco-related diseases by tightening the tobacco control legislation that has contributed to a 300 percent drop in the number of smokers between 1989 and 2013. The new regulations are aimed at continuing this decline in a country that…
China’s proposed national tobacco control law now up for discussion
The public has until 24 December to express opinions on the proposal
The Government of China, the world’s most populous nation, has drawn up a tobacco control law, which, if adopted in full, will reduce smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke on a staggering scale.…
Universal Health Coverage could prevent disease outbreaks from being crises
First Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day on 12 December marks anniversary of UN endorsement of UHC goal
On Monday this week, the World Health Organization announced that 6,330 people have now died from Ebola in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone—the three…
Five cutting-edge TB-HIV research studies you may not have heard about
December 1 is World AIDS Day, a day to solemnly reflect on the more than 35 million lives lost to HIV/AIDS, to stand in solidarity with communities affected and to mobilise action against the epidemic. TB is the leading cause of death among people living with HIV, making…
Child TB training toolkit
The Word Health Organization and The Union have released a training toolkit to combat childhood tuberculosis (TB). The training focuses on building the capacity of health care workers at the primary and secondary level to address and manage TB in children. The main…
45th Union World Conference on Lung Health sees record attendance and impact
The 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health, recently concluded in Barcelona, Spain, not only had record attendance with over 3,300 delegates from 134 countries, but also created the broadest international impact with The Global TB Summit, participation from civil society…
World Diabetes Day offers opportunity to raise awareness of link between diabetes and TB
The links between diabetes and unhealthy eating, obesity and lack of exercise are well known, but this World Diabetes Day (14 November), The Union and the World Diabetes Foundation are hoping to increase awareness of another dangerous link – between diabetes and tuberculosis…
Facing down the TB-diabetes co-epidemic: A Devex op-ed by Jose Luis Castro
At last week’s 45th World Conference on Lung Health in Barcelona, Spain, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and World Diabetes Foundation jointly issued a call to action against a global co-epidemic of diabetes mellitus and…
World Pneumonia Day: Stopping the world’s leading killer of children under five
The 6th annual World Pneumonia Day on Wednesday, 12 November aims to highlight the fact that pneumonia remains the world’s leading killer of children under five years old. While pneumonia affects children in every country around the world, in 2013, nearly all of the 900,000…
90% graphic health warnings now required on tobacco packs in Nepal
One of the world’s smallest countries – Nepal - has taken a large step toward combating tobacco-related disease this week. Ninety percent of the surface area of all tobacco packaging must now be covered with harrowing images designed to warn consumers of the health…
The Union to test all-oral treatment option for multidrug-resistant TB
New Treatment Regimen Is First-Ever Injection-Free Regimen Tested to Date
6 November 2014, Paris, France – The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) announced plans for new clinical research that will evaluate the effectiveness of two…
Stop TB high-level dialogue focused making the new Global Fund funding model work for TB
One of the greatest barriers to eliminating TB has nothing to do with germs or medicine or technology. It has to do with money. Even though TB has killed well over 10 million people in the last decade, the world is somehow failing to invest the resources necessary to stop it…
New Union Medalist and two Honorary Members named at General Assembly
The Union Medal and Honorary Membership were conferred on three long-time Union members at the General Assembly in Barcelona, Spain on Saturday, 1 November 2014. Honorary membership is a lifetime status granted to a person who has become distinguished through active…
2014 awards honour both young researchers and lifetime achievement
Each year The Union hosts an awards ceremony as part of the Inaugural Session of the World Conference on Lung Health.From health ministers to activists, opening speakers at The Union World Conference call for action on TB
The Inaugural Session of the 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Barcelona featured calls to action in the fight against TB from Nick Herbert, MP and chair of the UK’s All Party Parliamentary Group on Global TB, South Africa Minister of Health Dr Aaron Motsoaledi…
Preliminary Data Show High Success Rate for Dramatically Shortened Multidrug-resistant TB Treatment Option
Results Presented at 45th World Conference on Lung Health'Tobacco control is a top public health issue'
'Tobacco control is as important, if not more so, than the fight against tuberculosis,' said Dr Harsh Vardhan, India’s Minister of Health and Family Welfare in a meeting with Union tobacco control experts and grantees.Global Asthma Report highlights need to address disease affecting up to 334 million people
30 October 2014 – Today, the Global Asthma Network (GAN) will launch the 2014 Global Asthma Report at 13:00 in Room 128 at the 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Barcelona.
The 2014 Global Asthma Report, supported by funding from The Union, was introduced…
Parliamentarians Issue Barcelona Declaration on TB
Parliamentarians and other elected representatives seek to use their leadership and influence to demand more effective action on TB.A new Union - WDF report calls TB-diabetes a looming epidemic
TB-diabetes is a looming co-epidemic that we need to address now, before it has a chance to take root in countries and cause sickness and death on a large scale.
Having diabetes triples the risk that a person will develop tuberculosis (TB)—and diabetes is skyrocketing…
First international parliamentarian TB summit precedes the Union World Conference on Lung Health
The Global TB Summit, an inaugural meeting bringing together elected parliamentarians from across the world, is taking place today (27 October) in Barcelona in advance of the opening of the 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health.
Co-organised by The Union…
Participants from seven Eastern European countries attend TB course in Estonia
Participants from seven of the countries hardest hit by multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) gathered in Tartu, Estonia to attend the 19th international tuberculosis course organised by The Finnish Lung Health Association (Filha), Estonian National Tuberculosis Control…
Students find mentors and colleagues as Union members
For people at the start of their careers, mentors play an extremely important role in providing inspiration, guidance and support. Access to a stimulating and diverse group of colleagues is also key to developing a strong network and gaining the experiences and…
Will the Ebola epidemic in West Africa impact The Union conference?
As the Union World Conference in Barcelona approaches, many Union members and other conference attendees are curious to know if and how the Ebola epidemic in West Africa will impact the conference. As it pertains to the conference, the Union is responding in two ways.
India quadruples the size of graphic health warnings on tobacco packs
Tobacco packaging in India will display graphic health warnings across 85 percent of display surfaces, thanks to new measures announced by Dr Harsh Vardhan, Minister of Health, on 15 October.
Currently warnings have to cover just 40 percent of one side of the packet.…