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The Union welcomes The Global Fund and Stop TB Partnership joint agreement on TB drugs and treatment access

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Last week, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund) and the STOP TB Partnership signed an agreement to optimise access to TB drugs and treatment services. 

The Union welcomes the news that two of the world’s foremost global public health organisations have expanded their partnership toward pursuing the goal of ensuring steady, adequate supplies of quality-assured TB medicines. 

Numerous countries have faced TB drug shortages in recent years—even the world’s wealthiest country, the United States, which experienced a shortage of the essential TB drug isoniazid in 2013. 

Maintaining proper supplies of medicines is one of the cornerstones of the END TB strategy and is an objective of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By optimising drug supply chains and ensuring reliable drug stocks in all countries, we will find ourselves closer to the goal of ending TB.