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Project Axshya’s innovative TB helpline reaches over 100,000 people
The Union’s Project Axshya has reached over 100,000 people with information, counselling and advice on tuberculosis (TB) through their TB Helpline, operating in six states throughout India. The service, launched in March 2014, provides easily accessible information 12 hours a…
STREAM Community Engagement Plan released at AIDS2016
The Union, supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the TREAT TB Cooperative Agreement, and in partnership with The Brazilian Network of Tuberculosis Research (REDE-TB), has released a Community Engagement Plan, designed to support…
Union World Conference draws increased student participation
The Union World Conference team and the Coordinating Committee for Scientific Activities (CCSA) have this year doubled the number of late-breaker sessions traditionally offered and expanded topics to include a lung health session for students’ research. A remarkable increase…
The Union advances treatment for TB and MDR-TB patients living with HIV in Myanmar
Every day, The Union Office in Myanmar administers antiretroviral therapy (ART) to patients with HIV, conducts active case-finding and aids treatment adherence for tuberculosis (TB) and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) patients, as well as providing comprehensive healthcare…
TB does not have to be the end of the world – Simphiwe’s story
Simphiwe is from Pietermaritzburg in the province of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. He was invited to attend the Faith Leaders TB Summit in Durban to share his story of surviving multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). He is 23 years old.
“It felt important to come…
The Union in Zimbabwe produces TB community newsletter
The Union Zimbabwe Office is working with the National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP) to share news and information about tuberculosis (TB) with the community. The newsletter includes information on how to recognise TB symptoms and where to go for treatment, as well as updates…
Parliamentarians commit to end TB in Zimbabwe at launch of National TB Caucus
Members of Parliament (MPs) from 27 provinces and representing different political parties met in Harare on 13 July to launch the National TB Caucus and commit to end tuberculosis (TB) in Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe is ranked among the 30 high-burden countries for TB,…
Faith leaders commit to confronting TB and HIV stigma
Nearly 80 religious leaders and faith healers from KwaZulu-Natal Province - which has the highest rate of tuberculosis (TB) and the highest incidence of TB-HIV co-infection in South Africa – met in Durban, South Africa, on 15 July to learn more about disease transmission,…
The doctor behind the data that is saving lives
Valérie Schwœbel has been a medical professional for over 30 years, specialising in data surveillance and epidemiology with a specific interest in TB. But throughout all of those years she has never lost sight of one thing – that behind all the data and number…
TB takes centre stage at International AIDS Conference in South Africa
The International AIDS Society (IAS) highlighted the devastating impact of tuberculosis (TB) and TB-HIV by convening an inaugural TB pre-conference (TB2016) just prior to the International AIDS Conference, AIDS2016. Recognising the link between TB and HIV, TB2016 emphasised…
Joining the Global AIDS and TB Communities Together
José Luis Castro, Executive Director of The Union welcomed delegates to the opening plenary of TB2016 - the pre-conference to the International AIDS Conference, AIDS2016 - calling for the TB and HIV communities to come together to beat both TB and HIV. The trascript of his…
The Union and IAS make joint commitment to fight TB-HIV
Joint statement from José Luis Castro, Executive Director, The International Union Against TB and Lung Disease and Owen Ryan, Executive Director, The International AIDS SocietyThe Union plays key role in TB2016 Conference, championing integrated TB-HIV approach
This new event, on 16-17 July, in Durban, preceding the July 18-22 AIDS2016 conference, is symbolic of a vital integrated approach to HIV and TB. These dual epidemics must be fought together, in order to end both.The Director’s Corner
TB-HIV – a conflagration deeply intertwined
A message from José Luis Castro for TB2016, Durban, South Africa
Between 16-17 July, the International AIDS Society (IAS) will convene the very first tuberculosis (TB) summit, immediately prior to its annual…
Uruguay wins big against Philip Morris and works closely with The Union towards plain packaging
Uruguay has won the six-year legal battle launched by Philip Morris International (PMI) in 2010 before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The ruling has international repercussions for tobacco control, setting a precedent that favours…
Faith-based initiative improves access to TB care for India’s Muslim populations
Working with religious leaders in India’s Muslim community, The Union’s Project Axshya has reached local religious schools, called madrasas, in 15 districts in two states with crucial TB information, including recognising symptoms, and accessing free treatment and diagnostic…
The Union DRC successfully petitions for prisoners with TB to receive treatment
The Union’s team in the Democratic Republic of Congo secured transfer from prison to hospital for 24 inmates infected with tuberculosis (TB), following a successful advocacy meeting with the Governor of Eastern Kasaï and local members of the Security Committee.
Union research advocates for TB treatment that prioritises human rights
The Union’s Senior Advisor and Director of Research, Prof Anthony D Harries, co-authored a paper calling for human-rights based approaches to reaching tuberculosis (TB) patients lost to follow-up with colleagues from the International HIV/AIDS Alliance in UK, the division of…
Prabodh Bhambal: Singing the praises of Singapore
Juggling the Union’s global finances alongside the role of Deputy Executive Director and now that of Regional Director Asia Pacific may seem like a daunting – as well as impossible - challenge to most. But for Prabodh Bhambal it’s one that he relishes.
The Union brings mobile testing centres to Mandalay
Mobile TB screening and health information centres bring vital tuberculosis (TB) services to some 600 people in hard-to-reach areas every month in the seven townships of Mandalay, through The Union’s programme in Myanmar. Mobile units conduct sputum smear exams and chest x-…
European Members of Parliament convene to accelerate political progress against tuberculosis
Parliamentarians from 12 European and Central Asian countries convened in Bratislava from 24-26 June for the European TB Summit, issuing a united call for governments to put tuberculosis (TB) back on the political agenda.
This inaugural meeting of the Eurasian…
7th Union Europe Region Conference – an important moment in confronting TB
The 7th Union Europe Region conference launched in Bratislava on 22 June. This three-day event attracted over 600 delegates including government representatives, healthcare professionals, medical experts and organisations.
The conference began with an affirmation…
The Union welcomes The Global Fund and Stop TB Partnership joint agreement on TB drugs and treatment access
Last week, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund) and the STOP TB Partnership signed an agreement to optimise access to TB drugs and treatment services.
The Union welcomes the news that two of the world’s foremost global public…
Indonesia urged to ratify the WHO FCTC as 30 percent of children start smoking before the age of ten
The Union has joined international partners to ramp up media coverage of Indonesia’s escalating tobacco epidemic, highlighting the importance of accession to the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). Indonesia has some of the highest…
The Director’s Corner
Refugees and migrants do not cause health crises
A message from José Luis Castro for World Refugee Day, 20 June 2016
It is appropriate that World Refugee Day on 20 June coincides with the eve of the 7th Union Europe Region Conference in Bratislava,…