No more excuses: Break the chain of transmission to end tuberculosis - World TB Day 2025
It is total injustice and failure by us all that millions of people around the world are still at high risk of tuberculosis (TB…
International Women's Day 2025: Ambition into action
International Women’s Day is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate all the inspirational women across The Union’s membership, workforce…
The Union response to WHO Global TB report 2024
Dr Cassandra Kelly-Cirino, Executive Director, The Union: “While it’s heartening to see some…
The Union 77th World Health Assembly statement
It’s a disease that kills more annually than any other infectious disease – yet in many so called ‘developed’ countries, it hardly even…
Breaking the chain of transmission to end tuberculosis - World TB Day 2024
In high-burden settings, tuberculosis (TB) is endemic: meaning everyone is at risk, all the time, through the unbroken chain of…
A reflection on 2023
Prof Guy Marks, President and Interim Executive Director, reflections on the dedication, hard…
The Union response to WHO Global TB Report 2023
Professor Guy Marks, President and Interim Executive Director, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)…
The Union urges EU regulators to consider the impact of restrictions on life-saving asthma treatment
Inhaled medication is essential for people with chronic respiratory diseases, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease…
We must find and treat everyone with tuberculosis (TB), to end TB
We have seen commitments from world leaders and several iterations of global TB strategies come and go, but the reality is that…
A reflection on 2022
As The Union sets its sights on another year dedicated to achieving our vision – a healthier world for all, free of…
Breathing in science to eliminate TB - World TB Day
We have made great strides towards eliminating tuberculosis (TB) over the last 100 years. This progress was only possible as a…
Message from the Executive Director
Colleagues, friends, members,
This is a poignant moment for me. This is the final time that I speak to you as the…
A new Union World Conference in a changing world
The Union World Conference on Lung Health has long been a trusted and vital meeting place for all those working in tuberculosis…
Black Lives Matter. Dr Chakaya writes a special feature about the Black Lives Matter movement.
It is a statement rooted in the simplest interpretation of human rights, that the lives of those people who have been…
Tobacco industry must cease targeting young people in LMICs
Tobacco industry must cease targeting young people in LMICs
Message from the Executive Director, 29 May 2020
On this…
The transformative power of data to diagnose, treat and prevent TB
The transformative power of data to diagnose, treat and prevent TB
Message from the Executive Director, 29 April 2020…
On World TB Day, join me in calling on world leaders to ensure that the political will and funding we are seeing for COVID-19 continues well after this crisis is resolved.
“On World TB Day, join me in calling on world leaders to ensure that the political will and funding we are seeing for COVID-19 continues…
COVID-19 in focus on World TB Day: The Union stands in solidarity and with resilience in the fight against two airborne diseases - TB and COVID-19
Ahead of World TB Day tomorrow, The Union announced that a multi-stakeholder approach to infectious disease control based on a…
COVID-19: "The Union remains committed to fulfilling its mission to provide health solutions to those most at-risk”
COVID-19: "The Union remains committed to fulfilling its mission to provide health solutions to those most at-risk”
José Luis…
Message from the Executive Director
“Our Centennial marks the beginning of a new era for The Union.”
José Luis Castro, 15 January 2020
2020 marks the…
Message from the Executive Director
Looking back, and moving ahead
José Luis Castro, 20 December 2019
Thanks to the commitment and energy of our staff,…
Message from the Executive Director
José Luis Castro, 28 November 2019
Reflecting on the success of the 50th World Conference on Lung Health, I…
Message from the Executive Director
José Luis Castro, 22 October 2019
A week is a long time in politics, and in global…
Message from the Executive Director
José Luis Castro, 16 September 2019
On 23 September, The Union is taking part in the…