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Published articles in Public Health Action triple in 2012
Cookstoves for cleaner air, improved health and carbon credits
The Union South-East Asia Office's innovative proposal "Cookstoves for Carbon Credits" was one of the top 75 finalists selected from among 14,000 entries in "The Power of Ideas" competition. The competition organised by the Economic Times and Centre for Innovation, Incubation…
New law targets tobacco use in Chile, where 34% of young teens smoke
On 2 January 2013, the Chilean Congress approved legislation that will ban smoking in all enclosed public places and prohibit all forms of tobacco advertising. Passage of the Tobacco Law has been a long fight for the Ministry of Health, which has been supported by The Union…
TB volunteer network established in Myanmar
In 2012, The Union collaborated with Myanmar's National TB Programme on a TB REACH project called PICTS (Program to Increase Catchment of TB Suspects), which was designed to improve TB case detection and to increase new bacteriologically confirmed TB cases in seven townships…
The Union’s SPARK-TB project in Uganda receives Year 2 funding
The Union Uganda Office has been awarded Wave 2 funding from TB-REACH to continue its successful project, SPARK-TB (Slum Partnerships to Actively Respond to Tuberculosis in Kampala). SPARK-TB is improving access to quality TB diagnosis and treatment within private health…
Reaching zero HIV/AIDS deaths depends on addressing TB-HIV co-epidemic
Paris, France / 29 November 2012 — The theme of World AIDS Day (1 December 2012) is "Getting to zero: zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths". But, according to the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), the goal…
New members elected to the Board of Directors
Dr Simon Schaaf (South Africa), Professor in the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health at Stellenbosch University, will serve as the representative of the Lung Health Scientific Section.
Prof Peter Davies (UK), Honorary Professor to…
Rapporteurs provide conference summary for the Closing Ceremony
The team covered 42 of the 51 core symposia and 14 of the 15 oral abstract sessions, but not the pre-meetings, posters, plenaries or satellite symposia. They organised the sessions under the topics:
• Basic Science and Laboratory Issues
• Clinical…
Union honours presented at the conference
The Union awards consist of a full fellowship to attend the Union World Conference on Lung Health (including full delegate badge, travel and hotel), US$ 2,000 and a certificate presented at the conference. Honorees unable to attend the…
World Conference in Kuala Lumpur draws an enthusiastic response
In her welcome address at the Inaugural Session on Wednesday, 14 November, Union President E Jane Carter described the theme as fitting not only to describe the goal for global health programmes, but also as a description of The Union itself and how its members support and…
Summary of the whole conference in Kuala Lumpur - Day 5
The Union Plenary sessions - Video Day 5
Union Press Conference - Video Day 4
Inaugural session - Video Day 3
See more photos of the conference here ...
The Union World Conference comes to Kuala Lumpur- Video Day 2
The Union and MSF find Operational Research yields local solutions with global impact
Run for your lungs! ... because breath is life
Union-MSF operational research courses continue in Europe and Asia
In courses that finished in June 2012 in Paris and Luxembourg, 22 participants from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and the South Pacific completed the final module and submitted their papers (23 in total) to peer-reviewed journals within four weeks, as…
Sri Lanka adopts tobacco labelling and packaging regulations
The Government of Sri Lanka released new tobacco control legislation on 8 August 2012 that will see the country adopt some of the world's largest pictorial health warnings on tobacco packaging.
The Union has been working with Sri Lanka's…
MDR-TB clinical management course in Zimbabwe demonstrates excellent results
The Union's MDR-TB Unit organised the course and led the faculty. The curriculum called for half of the time to be devoted to updating participants' knowledge of the most recent scientific evidence, with a focus on publications from African countries, including…
TREAT TB presents virtual implementation approach in Washington, DC
The TREAT TB Modeling Initiative is using operational and transmission modeling to project the performance, resource requirements and costs associated with using new tuberculosis diagnostic tools in real-world settings. On 14 September, Dr I.D. Rusen, TREAT TB…
Stop TB Symposium - Video Day 1
Speakers from 65 countries will participate in the World Conference
In memoriam: Pierre Chaulet (1930-2012)
Prof Pierre Chaulet "Le quotidien d'Algérie"
Born in Algiers on 27 March 1930 to Catholic parents, themselves born in Algeria, Pierre Chaulet was educated entirely in Algiers. A militant against colonial injustice even as a student, Pierre became…