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Registration and hotel booking for the Union World Conference are now open!
Registration is now open for the 43rd Union World Conference on Lung Health, which will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 13-17 November 2012. The 5-day scientific programme will offer more than 100 symposia, post-graduate courses, workshops, plenary…
The Union defends governments from tobacco industry interference
- ‘Ever since 1998, when tobacco companies were forced to make their documents public, we have had a very good idea of the tactics tobacco companies use to manipulate governments and lie to the public about the harms of tobacco use,’ said Dr Ehsan Latif, Director of the…
First global target on non-communicable diseases demands a reduction in preventable deaths by 25% by 2025
The NCD Alliance, a global advocacy organization representing a network of more than 2,000 civil society organizations led a major lobbying campaign, and mobilized its network to ensure this target was secured. They now applaud world leaders for demonstrating political…
The Bangladesh tax system and income rises have made smoking more affordable
- The Economics of Tobacco and Tobacco Taxation in Bangladesh estimates that 57,000 deaths are attributed to tobacco use each year, about one in six of all deaths among Bangladeshis 30 years and older. In addition, tobacco-related illness and lost productivity equate to…
Using The Union’s ABC approach, BRAC’s project in Bangladesh sees 80% of TB patients quit smoking
- The ABC approach comes from The Union guide Smoking Cessation and Smokefree Environments for Tuberculosis Patients. BRAC's intervention is as follows: health care workers ask registered TB patients if they smoke and record their smoking status. Patients then receive 5-10 minutes…
“Eye-opening” new clinical TB-HIV course offered for the first time in Colombia
The intensive course, which was held in Bogotá from 11 to 13 April 2012, is specifically designed for clinicians who work in both TB and HIV care and are responsible for managing HIV-positive tuberculosis patients with serious complications. The curriculum…
New Article 5.3 Toolkit will help countries prevent industry interference
The Union Tookit for WHO FCTC Article 5.3: Guidance for Governments on Preventing Tobacco Industry Interference
Matt Allen
The Union’s toolkit for WHO FCTC Article 5.3 Toolkit step-by-step guidance on the key legislative and policy elements of a strategy to safeguard laws and policies from tobacco industry interference.
Failure to adopt targets will show world is not serious about tackling NCDs
- NCDs are responsible for 60% of all global deaths. They are the leading cause of death in most high-income countries (80%-90%), and also in most low-income and middle-income countries. In all settings, the burden of these conditions is growing. Ann Keeling, Chair…
PHOTO STORY: TB case finding in Myanmar
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Grantees receive awards at tobacco control conference
Prof Elif Dağli, head of the Turkish National Coalition on Tobacco and Health (SSUK) was awarded one of the Bloomberg Awards for Global Tobacco Control, recognising progress in the implementation of MPOWER measures. Prof Dağli received the Protect award in…
China draws on The Union’s experience in Africa to develop its TB-HIV plan
The difference in the magnitude of TB in relation to HIV could not be greater than it is between China and southern Africa where more than half of TB patients are infected with HIV compared to approximately 1% in China.
Nevertheless, the China Centre…
Silicosis is a continuing threat to Indian workers
Working in a safe, secure environment isn't a given in many places across India. For example, poor conditions in India's mines mean workers are regularly exposed to silica dust leading to silicosis, a chronic disease of the lungs. Unfortunately, for many poor…
New publications offer a way forward for childhood TB research
There is an urgent need for improved TB diagnostics in children, since current diagnostics are not taking into account the specific challenges of childhood TB. New diagnostic tools have been developed and endorsed by the World Health Organization, such as LED microscopy, line…
The Union/MSF test a modified operational research course in Nepal
Since 2010, The Union and Médecins Sans Frontières have been offering a three-module course in operational research that has proved highly successful. Thirty-four participants from Africa, Asia and Latin America have been through the three course offerings– with 95%…
Abu Dhabi to host World Conference on Tobacco or Health in 2015
- The Union coordinated the process that saw eight countries submit bids to host the 2015 WCTOH. Abu Dhabi was unanimously chosen based on its facilities, the accessibility of the location and a generous package of support for delegates from low-income countries. The bid was the…
The Union welcomes Bloomberg Philanthropies' renewed commitment to global tobacco control
Read the press release
World TB Day : The Union and the World Diabetes Foundation call for greater awareness of TB-diabetes co-epidemic
Read the press release
100-day countdown to a smokefree Harbin
The Vice Mayor of Harbin, Mr. Zhang Wanping, inaugurated the event on 21 February and promised that "the Harbin Government will ensure the implementation of the law and that the health of the citizens of Harbin is protected." Also present at the event were the…
Is operational research delivering the goods? New guidelines for measuring success
Very frequently, scientific research is undertaken, completed, written up and submitted to a peer-reviewed journal, and once the paper is accepted and published, the authors rest content that their job is done. Not so with operational research where it is vital to know…
Another day in the Integrated HIV Care outpatient department
Today is the day for Medical Unit 3 at Mandalay General Hospital. This is a special consultation for HIV-infected patients who also get tuberculosis. There is a strong association between TB and HIV. Since the immune system is weakened by HIV, many patients develop…
Battling TB in India with the help of a new “superhero”
In India, a new superhero called Bulgam Bhai is on a mission to educate people about the symptoms of TB and the need to have their sputum tested if they have coughed for two weeks or more. The round, colourful character, who introduces himself as "Myself Bulgam Bhai", was…
Childhood TB: Reversing years of neglect
18 March 2012 - Paris — An estimated one million children 14 years old and under will need treatment for tuberculosis this year — and some experts claim the number is actually much higher. TB in children is typically under-detected and under-reported, reflecting its low…
Prof Anthony D Harries named to F1000 faculty of the year
Prof Harries was appointed to the Faculty of Public Health & Epidemiology of F1000 when it was founded 10 years ago. As such, each month he selects what he thinks is the most important article published in his area and writes a 300–350 word review of it. The review is…
Short-course treatment for multidrug-resistant TB: What are the hopes?
27 February 2012, Paris – The capacity to diagnose multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) has improved with new molecular techniques, but the treatment regimen for the more than 500,000 MDR-TB patients diagnosed each year has not. The internationally recommended regimen is…