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SPARK-TB will work with 100 private clinics in Kampala
The Union Uganda Office's SPARK-TB project (Slum Partnership to Actively Respond to Tuberculosis in Kampala) launched its activities on 1 October 2011. Funded by TB REACH, this project is designed to improve access to quality TB diagnosis and treatment within private health…
PICTS programme launched in Mandalay
On 15 January 2012, The Union launched a new programme called PICTS – Program to Increase Catchment of Tuberculosis Suspects. The grand opening of the one-year programme funded by TB REACH was celebrated at the Mandalay Divisional Health Department with a strong turnout from…
UK research intern in India studies impact of TB sensitisation on village committees
Simon Packer talks about his internship experience at The Union South-East Asia Office
Last year I graduated from Edinburgh University, taking my degree in biological sciences with honours in infectious disease, but I still wasn't sure what direction in public…
1000+ respond to first online membership survey
Read more for the key findings...
Silent walk at Hindu festival helps spread awareness about HIV and TB
The Magh Mela is an annual Hindu festival held at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers that attracts about 250,000 pilgrims each year. They spend the month-long festival living in campsites maintained by religious organisations, thus providing a perfect opportunity…
Civil Smoke-Free Day backs efforts to restore smoking ban in Sofia
22 January, Sofia, Bulgaria - Bulgaria's Smoke-free Life Coalition launched the first Civil Smoke-Free Day on 22 January in Sofia City Centre – one of the city's shopping malls. The initiative aimed to generate public support for restoring the complete ban on smoking in…
New report details impact of tobacco and tobacco taxes in Poland
Bali expects tourists will welcome its new smokefree law
The legislative council of Bali, a major international tourist destination, enacted a 100% smokefree provincial legislation in November 2011 states that public places, workplaces including hotels and restaurants and public transport will be 100% smoke-free, effective May 2012…
Strengthening tobacco control education in medical and nursing schools
The workshop, which was held from 29 November to 1 December 2011, brought together senior academics such as deans, vice-chancellors and department heads from Bangladesh, China, India and Indonesia, to discuss and plan how to implement, strengthen and expand…
Xpert® MTB/RIF for NTPs in low-income countries: when, where and how?
"Xpert® MTB/RIF for NTPs in low-income countries: when, where and how?" states that this test offers new and important possibilities for the diagnosis of sputum smear-negative tuberculosis (TB) and/or rifampicin (RMP) resistance. It points out, however, that in…
OR guides published by TREAT TB
Guy Marks appointed Lung Health editor for IJTLD
The Union congratulates its grantees on a year well done!
World AIDS Day in Mandalay
- On 1 December, The Union Office in Myanmar participated in a World AIDS Day Celebration in Mandalay organised by the National AIDS Programme (NAP). U Ye Myint, Chief Minister of Mandalay Regional Government, gave opening speech at the celebration held in the City Hall.…
Join The Union or renew your membership for 2012 today!
As The Union broadens its reach to address growing and interlinked issues, such as TB and diabetes, and lung health risk factors such as tobacco use, support from members has never been more important and more valued. The commitment and contributions of members not only…
Thank you, Asma!
Prof Asma El Sony of Sudan received a standing ovation at the General Assembly and special thanks at her final meeting of The Union Board of Directors on Sunday, 30 October 2011 in Lille. She has stepped down from the Board after 12 years of service.
WORLD AIDS DAY 2011: Zimbabwe TB/HIV project makes headway
But the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) and its partners in Zimbabwe can report that, while they have not yet reached "zero" new infections or deaths, their TB/HIV integrated care project in the Cities of Harare and Bulawayo…
The Union applauds greater awareness of child pneumonia— but funds are still lacking
Operational Research course offered in Fiji Islands
All of the 12 participants successfully completed their own research protocols by the end of the week and had submitted them to The Union Ethics Advisory Group within the following two weeks. Protocols are now undergoing local ethics review. Research topics…
NCDS: Political commitment, integrated strategies and affordable medicines needed
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) threaten millions of lives unless major policy changes take effect, according to experts who spoke at a press conference held in Lille, France as part of the 42nd Union World Conference on Lung Health.
Announcing Round 11 of the Bloomberg Initiative Grants Program - 5 December 2011
Project Ideas are now being accepted for Round Eleven of the Grants Program.
The deadline for submission of Project Ideas is 15:00 hours, US Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5 hours) on Monday, 23 January 2012.
A Global Initiative to…
Encouraging five-year progress report on tobacco control
- A five-year report highlighting progress under the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use (BI) has been released by the US-based foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies. Among the findings: 21 countries have passed 100% smokefree laws, and there has been a 400% increase in…
The Union elects new President and Board Members
The Union Board of Directors is pleased to announce the election of Dr E Jane Carter (USA) as the new President of The Union. The election took place at their 30 October meeting in Lille, France. In this position, Dr Carter will lead the 91-year-old organisation, which has…
Australia’s plain tobacco packaging bill is a “first”
In a worldwide "first", Australia passed a Tobacco Plain Packaging Bill on 21 November that limits the colour and branding on tobacco packages and also increases the size of graphic health warnings. The new law will take effect in December 2012.
In memoriam: Honorary Union Member Djilali Larbaoui
- A former professor of pneumophtisiology at the Faculty of Medicine of Algiers, Prof Larbaoui was the first president of the Algerian Society of Pneumophtisiology after independence and former head of department at the University Hospital of Beni Messous. He was president of the…