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UK air quality expert to lead off the 44th Union World Conference on Lung Health
Prof Ross Anderson MD MSC FFPH FRCP FMEDSci is an epidemiologist and public health specialist with a medical background. He is a member of the World Health Organization (WHO) Scientific Advisory Committee for the Review of Evidence of Health Aspects of Air Pollution (REVIHAAP…
Workshop examines past TB operational research to identify new applications
TB experts gathered in New Delhi in August to review two decades of operational research conducted in India with the goals of disseminating the data most relevant to meeting today's TB control challenges and setting an agenda for future research.
The meeting on 26–27…
The Union trains physicians in Yunnan Province to manage TB-HIV challenges
Among the issues that the 5-day intensive course addressed were how to handle TB patients who present with immune systems badly compromised by HIV, and those who delayed coming in for diagnosis and treatment. In addition to covering TB and HIV case management, the course…
Mayor Bloomberg visits The Union headquarters
The Union and CTFK co-manage the Bloomberg Tobacco Control Grants Programme, as partners in the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use (BI). During his visit, the Mayor also attended a meeting with the grants team, which assembled in Paris to select recipients for Round…
DR-TB drugs under the microscope: the sources and prices of medicines
The Union / MSF Access Campaign
The purpose of this joint Union / MSF publication is to provide transparent information on prices and quality-assured sources for drug-resistant tuberculosis medicines, as well as a summary of the challenges limiting still their access…
Childhood TB Roadmap to be launched on 1 October in Washington, DC
To register for the press conference and/or workshop:
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Places to stay: view hotel list
The Union calls for governments to exclude tobacco products from trade treaties
The TPP is a free trade agreement involving 12 countries that are part of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, USA and Vietnam. In order that this agreement does not become a…
Experts and advocates call on Indonesia to ratify WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
The declaration – adopted by delegates to the 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Tobacco or Health held last week in Chiba, Japan – also requests that Indonesia refuse to host World Tobacco Asia 2014 scheduled to be held in Bali next year. World Tobacco Asia is a tobacco…
Baja California state in Mexico now smokefree
Baja California has an estimated population of 3.1 million people with visitors to the state far exceeding that number. Up to 23% of the state's adult population and 13% of teenagers are smokers. 54% of adults are exposed to tobacco smoke in workplaces, and 50% of teenagers…
Armand Van Deun: Building laboratory networks that deliver quality results and save lives
“At The Union we focus on what is possible in the field and sustainable in the long run. The bottom line is always ‘How will this help TB control?”The Union supports plan for "children in adversity"
“Meeting the health needs of children in low- and middle-income countries is central to The Union’s vision of health solutions for the poor, and our programmes address some of the key issues outlined in the plan”, says José Luis Castro, Interim Executive Director of The Union…
TB screening in high HIV-prevalence settings and more in the September IJTLD
The September issue of the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease is now online. This issue includes articles such as a "State of the Art" article on TB screening in high HIV-prevalence settings, a case study on novel paediatric delivery systems for second-…
A Framework for Integrating Childhood Tuberculosis into Community-based Health Care
Detjen A, Gnanashanmugam D, Talens A
Published by the Core Group and The Union, this guide aims to outline ways to decentralise childhood TB activities and integrate them into community-based maternal and child programs to reach children who remain currently…
Laboratory Diagnosis of Tuberculosis by Sputum Microscopy: The Handbook
Both the World Health Organization and The Union recognise that smear microscopy remains an important tool for the laboratory diagnosis of TB and in monitoring the patients' response to treatment. This practical guide, an effort of the Global Laboratory Initiative, is meant…
IMDP to collaborate with WHO's TBTEAM by delivering health management training
TBTEAM, the Tuberculosis TEchnical Assistance Mechanism, whose secretariat is hosted in the WHO Global TB Programme, is a global coalition of partners, countries and funding agencies. It aims to build up the national capacity of countries and focuses on assisting national TB…
NCD Alliance launches programme to support NCD civil society efforts in South Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) – cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease – kill approximately 36 million per year, with 80% of these deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries. If current trends continue, this figure is projected…
M is for Monitor: The Union helps survey smokefree success in China
The Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS) is a subset of key questions from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) that was designed by WHO and the US CDC to produce national and sub-national estimates on tobacco use, exposure to secondhand smoke and quit attempts among adults…
TREAT TB launches online operational research training
"The need to build the capacity for programmatically relevant OR is as pressing as ever," says TREAT TB Director Dr I.D. Rusen, who facilitates the course. "To have the widest reach, we need to explore innovative options to bring people together to learn – even when face-to-…
Union course helps South Africa build strategy for TB-HIV in prisons
With 160,000 prisoners, South Africa has the largest prison population in Africa, according to a recent speech by Correctional Services Minister Sdu Ndebele. Overcrowding is also a serious problem, and that makes South Africa ripe for two other problems: TB and, given the…
WHO report shows consistent progress in global fight against tobacco
The WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2013 also highlights the long path ahead, with two- thirds of the world's population not provided any form of protection from the tobacco epidemic. Tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke remain serious threats to global…
PICTS mobile TB clinic serves poor in Myanmar
Of the 100 people who took advantage of this service, 53 had chest X-rays; and the sputum of 46 was examined. One person needed fine needle aspiration cytology. Four people were identified as having TB.
PICTS' mobile chest X-ray team travels around every three months…
44th Union World Conference on Lung Health will focus on “Shared air, safe air?”
The conference organised each year by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) will be held on 30 October–3 November 2013 at the Palais des Congrès In Paris, France. Registration is now open (early-bird discount offered through 31 July); to…
Philippe Clevenbergh: An impatient man tackles HIV in Myanmar
Philippe Clevenbergh never imagined he would end up living in Myanmar when he came to The Union in 2004. He was a busy physician treating HIV/AIDS patients at Paris’s Hôpital Lariboisière.
Nevertheless, in 2006, he launched The Union’s Integrated HIV Care for TB…
Name change: Adult & Child Lung Health Section
The new section will serve members interested in:
• Adult Lung Health – including pneumonia, asthma, COPD, air pollution, occupational lung disease and non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
• Child Lung Health – Childhood TB, HIV, childhood pneumonia, other child…
The Union closes its office in Cairo
"The decision to close the office in Cairo was difficult, but one that had to be taken in order to streamline resources according to our strategic funding priorities", said José Luis Castro, Interim Executive Director of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and…