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High drug resistance among Gram-negative bacteria in sputum samples from an intensive care unit in Nepal
One of a series of articles forming a special supplement in PHA on antimicrobial resistance in Nepal.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Nepali hospitals: poor outcomes amid 10 years of increasing antimicrobial resistance
One of a series of articles forming a special supplement in PHA on antimicrobial resistance in Nepal.
Real-time data to inform decision-making about maintaining health services in Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic
The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) in close collaboration with the National TB Programme and the National HIV/AIDS Programme in Kenya, the Respiratory Society of Kenya (ReSoK), the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical…New study demonstrates feasibility of conducting routine post-TB assessments in China
The Union, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for Tuberculosis in Baltimore, USA, and TB doctors in five clinics in China, has just completed and published a study to assess the feasibility of conducting post-tuberculosis assessments at the end of anti-TB…
High antibiotic resistance and mortality with Acinetobacter species in a tertiary hospital, Nepal
One of a series of articles forming a special supplement in PHA on antimicrobial resistance in Nepal.
Antimicrobial resistance in neonates with suspected sepsis
One of a series of articles forming a special supplement in PHA on antimicrobial resistance in Nepal.
Breathe - The Ethical Mask Campaign
Since March 2020, the world has been gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic, a virus that is here to stay. This global pandemic has shown us how important face masks are at helping minimise the spread of infectious diseases.
However, disposable masks have caused needless…
Breathe, a mask in support of The Union, provided by The Ethical Mask Company, and in partnership with world-renowned designer and advocate of sustainability and health, Gary James McQueen.
Once we reach our initial target of 10,000 mask purchases, 25% of the proceeds…
The Breathe mask features nano-silver technology, three layers of breathable, chemical-free protection, and is washable and reusable. It is 100% biodegradable, so you can rest assured that it will fully biodegrade after a few months in soil.
Gary James McQueen, nephew of the late Alexander McQueen, said: “I am proud to collaborate with The Union and The Ethical Mask Company, as we give wings to our Breathe campaign supporting those touched by tuberculosis and lung disease. I have chosen this unique bee…
Most importantly, the Breathe mask supports The Union in achieving its vision of a healthier world for all, free of tuberculosis and lung disease.
A staggering 1.4 million people died from tuberculosis in 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic has set our fight against…
It's time to stand up for this cause, for our earth and for each other. Once we reach our initial target of 10,000 mask purchases, 25% of the proceeds from each mask go to The Union. Our aim is to achieve 50,000 mask purchases. WE CANNOT ACHIEVE THIS TARGET WITHOUT YOU.…
Timor-Leste Government endorses The Union tax policy paper, “Higher Tobacco Taxes for a Healthier Timor-Leste”
With a diverse group that included Members of Parliament, mayors, academics, civil society members, religious leaders, and representatives from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization and other key stakeholders, The Union launched its…
Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis administration practices
One of a series of articles forming a special supplement in PHA on antimicrobial resistance in Nepal.
Antibiotic resistance in patients with chronic ear discharge awaiting surgery in Nepal
One of a series of articles forming a special supplement in PHA on antimicrobial resistance in Nepal.
High multidrug resistance in urinary tract infections in a tertiary hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
One of a series of articles forming a special supplement in PHA on antimicrobial resistance in Nepal.
Will heated tobacco products be banned in Hong Kong?
The Bill to ban heated tobacco products in Hong Kong has been delayed, causing the authors to write to the IJTLD highlighting the risks of introducing new tobacco products. The preprint is free to read.
Obituary for Dr Christopher Zishiri
25 April 1967 – 14 August 2021WHO urged to publish 2021 Global Air Quality Guidelines by lung and heart health organisations
The Union with the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and partner organisations have written to the World Health Organization (WHO) to call on WHO to proceed with the rapid publication and dissemination of the 2021 update to the WHO Global Air Quality…
Registration for the 52nd Union World Conference on Lung Health is now open
BCG 100th anniversary statement: Close the funding gap
This week marks the 100th anniversary of the Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine, yet the fight to end tuberculosis (TB) remains.
The Union calls on governments and donor agencies to increase investment in TB vaccine research and development (R&D). The US $1.2…
BCG and The Union a 100-year history
On 18 July 1921, a newborn baby received a dose of an experimental vaccine called Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG). Fast forward 100 years and it is the most widely used vaccine globally – billions of children have been vaccinated and countless…
Building community volunteer capacity in Myanmar
This week, The Union conducted capacity building training for community volunteers in Myanmar to improve their counselling skills by sharing best practices.
The two-day training course aims to enhance successful re-engagement into the community by people living with…
Thrombotic events and COVID-19 vaccines
In this State of the Art, the authors reviewed the literature on thromboembolic adverse events reported after vaccination for COVID-19, and review the benefits and risks of the vaccines approved for use. The preprint is free to read.
The 100th anniversary of bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and the latest vaccines against COVID-19
On 18th July 2021, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first use of the BCG vaccine for TB. An Editorial in IJTLD discusses BCG’s efficacy, heterologous protection and controversial link with COVID-19. The preprint is free to read.…
Call to action for an invigorated drive to scale up TB prevention
An Editorial for IJTLD highlights the importance of TB preventive treatment (TPT) and the launch by WHO, governments, civil society and other partners of a ‘Call to Action’ for broader access to TPT for those in need. The article is free to…
Impact of COVID-19 on TB detection in the private sector in Nepal
In this Correspondence accepted article for IJTLD, the authors found a 67.4% decrease in testing, a 66.9% decrease in bacteriologically confirmed (bac+) diagnosis and a 58.9% decrease in diagnosis of all forms TB. The preprint is free to read…
Diagnosis patterns for rifampicin-resistant TB after onset of COVID-19
In this recently accepted article for IJTLD, the authors found that RR-TB diagnosis decreased by 21–38% following the start of the pandemic. The results are disturbing and suggest that COVID-19 has had a sustained impact at a time when…
Next Generation of Indonesian Farmers Forsakes Tobacco
In its fight against lifesaving tobacco control policies—increased taxes, larger pictorial health warnings, and advertising bans—the tobacco industry frequently argues that such measures will cripple the livelihoods of tobacco farming households. This couldn’t be further from…
Caribbean Health Forum Launches With Focus on Noncommunicable Diseases
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory diseases and their four primary shared risk factors—tobacco, poor diet, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol—plague the Caribbean, serving as leading causes of…