From 2006 to 2023, The Union co-managed the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use Grants Program in partnership with the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. The programme awards funds to projects delivering high-impact tobacco control interventions, based on the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), in low- and middle-income countries.
Our work focused on creating smokefree public places, banning tobacco advertising, increasing tax on tobacco products, requiring graphic pack warnings and preventing tobacco industry interference in policy making. Priority was given to countries with the highest prevalence of tobacco use.
Under the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use Grants Program, The Union supported over 50 countries worldwide to implement tobacco control policies, impacting billions of people.
Bloomberg Initiative Priority Areas of Work
The Union focused its work on policies proven to have the greatest population level impacts for reducing tobacco use. Through the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use Grants Program, The Union assisted governments and NGOs to implement the following evidence-based, practical and comprehensive MPOWER measures advocated by the WHO FCTC.
Tobacco advertising
subtitle: The tobacco industry spends billions of dollars on advertising to increase sales
The Union has helped 4.13 billion people in 28 countries through advertising bans.
Where we work
Many low- and middle-income countries, where 80 percent of tobacco-related deaths occur, are faced with rising affordability of tobacco products as well as an aggressive tobacco industry that targets both consumers and governments – so rates of tobacco use continue to rise. Under the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use Grants Program, The Union supported over 50 countries worldwide to implement tobacco control policies, impacting billions of people. Our work focused on, but is not limited to, 10 countries with the highest prevalence of tobacco use.
The Union’s Technical Advisor for tobacco control in Brazil