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OUR IMPACT: 3.69 billion people in 37 countries through smokefree laws*

A smokefree policy bans smoking in a certain establishment, venue or defined area. It is most effective when mandated by legislation, with penalties for non-compliance. A comprehensive smokefree law prohibits smoking in indoor workplaces (including bars and restaurants), public places and public transport. A comprehensive law does not permit any smoking area, even if separately ventilated. Designated smoking rooms substantially reduce the effectiveness of a law.

Key Facts

  • Exposure to second-hand smoke [SHS] causes cancer, heart disease and other
  • serious illnesses in non-smokers.
  • There is no safe level of exposure to SHS.
  • Comprehensive smokefree laws, motivate smokers to quit, reduce tobacco consumption and exposure of non-smokers to SHS.
  • Smokefree laws are popular and complianceis high.
  • Article 8 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control [WHO FCTC] establishes 100 percent smokefree work and public places as a best practice to protect people from SHS.

*Updated April 2019