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Examples of Information Materials for Businesses

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Collection of example flyers and factsheets from tobacco control initiatives around the globe for different venues types, including restaurants, sports clubs, government buildings, tobacco retailers and more. 

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SMOKEFREE GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, AUSTRALIA FACTSHEET: factsheet on outdoor smoking bans within 4 meters of the entrances of government buildings.

SMOKEFREE RESTAURANTS AUSTRALIA FACTSHEET: Collection of flyers for different groups impacted by smokefree outdoor dining laws, including businesses, community members, and organizers of outdoor events and food fairs.

SMOKEFREE FLYER EXAMPLE, AUSTRALIA: Example of outdoor smoking ban flyer.

SMOKEFREE COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR DINING FLYER, AUSTRALIA: Example of smokefree flyer for commercial outdoor dining areas.

SMOKEFREE COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR DINING FLYER, AUSTRALIA: Another flyer example for smokefree commercial outdoor dining.

FLYERS FOR BUSINESSES "TIPS TO AVOID PENALITIES" NYC: New York City smokefree city flyer, tips to avoid penalties for business.

TOBACCO RETAILER FLYER FOR BUSINESS, NYC: Example flyer for tobacco retailers from New York City.

TAPS FLYER EXAMPLE, NEW ZEALAND: Informational flyers for retailers on the TAPS ban as a part of the 1990 Smoke-free Environments Act in New Zealand.

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Policy area: Smokefree Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship Bans

Implementation area: Public communications Enforcement

Region: Global Western Pacific The Americas

Resource type: Sample Materials

Source: Other