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Session submission guidelines

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Abstract and session submissions are now closed but the second round of satellite session submissions are open from July 1 to August 25, 2021 (first round of submissions ended on June 30).

You can read more about our satellite sessions guidelines.

If you'd like to browse through our other sessions and offerings, please see below:

Important note: As the conference will be virtual, please be mindful of the chairs and speakers you will be proposing and of their time zones. According to the format of your session, they may be required to introduce, moderate and/or attend a live Q&A. All sessions will be scheduled based on the Central European Summer Time zone (CEST).

Your session must be submitted under one of the official tracks for the conference, found here: List of tracks.


The Coordinating Committee of Scientific Activities (CCSA) of the Union World Conference base their programme selection decisions upon the following review criteria: Review system.




Session dates

19, 20, 21, and 22 October

Session proposers will be able to mention their preferred date of presentation but the Scientific Committee reserves the right to offer another one to minimise conflict in the programme and maximise attendance.  

Session duration

Satellite sessions are solely scheduled outside of core conference hours for 60 minutes in the morning or 90 minutes in the afternoon.


Please select the most appropriate track. Note this is to assist with programme planning, track choice has no impact on the selection process.

The list of scientific tracks is available here


The formats offered for satellite sessions are either

  • A 60-minute session including a pre-recorded introduction and a set of presentations


  • Or a 90-minute session including a live introduction, a set of pre-recorded presentations and a live Q&A.


Satellite Sessions should have one or two chairs. They will be responsible for coordinating the session, communicating with speakers, promptly informing the Secretariat about changes, introducing and chairing or co-chairing the session.


The maximum number of presentations is five. A minimum of four and maximum of five speakers is required.

Session sponsor

The Union offers to individuals, non-profit groups, organisations, or commercial entities the opportunity to showcase their work, research and programmes, or draw more attention to a specific subject or area by organising a satellite session. The sponsor of a satellite session is to be identified and mentioned by the time of the submission process.

Session description

Describe the overall objectives of the session in 150 words or less (minimum of 10, maximum of 150).

Presentation description

A short description of 100 words or fewer should be submitted for each presentation. The presentation description will be considered for publication in the online programme.


A biography of no more than 100 words must be submitted for each proposed speaker. The biography will be considered for publication in the online programme.


Satellite sessions submitted by 30 June will receive notification from 12 July. If there are slots remaining, there will be a second round of reviewing for sessions submitted between 1 July and 25 August. Notifications for the second round will be sent by 1 September.

As the conference will be virtual, early submission is strongly recommended to allow sufficient time for the upload and recording of the presentations of your session.


The session will be reviewed for compliance with The Union’s mission and vision. There will be two rounds of reviews and notifications (see the section above). Proposals submitted in the first round will be given priority in slot selection.

Contact with submitters

Please make sure that you enter the active email address of the chairs and speakers. All communication will be made with this email address.


IMPORTANT: Chairs and speakers must use one single email address for identification purpose in our submission, registration and virtual conference platforms to be recognised as users of these systems.


The satellite session organiser should ensure costs of registration for the speakers and chairpersons will be covered. Full session payment should be made within six weeks of approval. If no payment is received, the slot will be allocated to another satellite organiser.

Use of non- stigmatising language

The Union is committed to promoting person-centred language in all conference abstracts and presentations. When drafting your submission, The Union requests that you follow the guidelines laid out in the Stop TB Partnership’s publication, Suggested Language and Usage for Tuberculosis Care, Communications and Publications.

Please note, proposals using stigmatising language will be penalised in the review process.


Satellite session submissions are open until 30 June with a second round of submissions from 1 July – 25 August, upon availability. Having carefully reviewed the guidelines, tracks and review criteria, make your submission here:






NGO rate*


NGO rate*


Less than 100 participants

€ 6,000

€ 7,800

€ 9,500

€ 12,500

100 – 250 participants

€ 8,000

€ 10,500

€ 12,500

€ 16,000

250 – 1000 participants



 € 15,500

€ 20,000


*NGO rates are available for not for profit organisations with an annual operational budget of less than €20 million
For more information, contact




Session dates

19, 20, 21, and 22 October

Session time

Symposia will take place virtually through the conference platform during core programme hours, dates of presentation are allocated by the Secretariat to accommodate the complexity of the programme and minimise the overlap of tracks and sub-tracks.

Session duration

80 minutes

Symposia will include an introduction, presentations and a final Q&A.


Please select the most appropriate track. Note this is to assist with programme planning, track choice has no impact on the selection process 

The list of scientific tracks is available here


Symposia should have one to two individuals serving as chairs. Chairs play the role of coordinators, communicate with speakers, submit the session online, liaise with the Secretariat about changes and moderation process and introduce the session.


Minimum of four and maximum of five speakers.

Session description

Describe the overall objective of the session in 150 words or less (minimum of 10)

Presentation description

A short description of 100 words or fewer should be submitted for each presentation. The presentation description will be considered for publication in the Abstract Book and in the online programme.


A biography of no more than 100 words must be submitted for each proposed speaker. The biography will be considered for publication in the online programme.


Online submission will be open until 12 May 2021. Symposia are editable until then. No further changes are accepted after that deadline.

IMPORTANT: : Chairs and speakers must use one single email address for identification purpose in our submission, registration and conference virtual platforms to be recognised as users in these systems.


Symposia are peer-reviewed by a minimum of three experts and assessed based on objectives, relevance/advances in the field, potential impact coherence of session, originality, and country representation.


Symposia covering novel, emerging or previously neglected topics and those presenting new methodologies or significant new data will be given priority.

Read the full: Review system

Contact with submitters

Please make sure that you are entering the active email address of the chairs as all communication will be made with the email addresses you enter.

REMINDER: : Chairs and speakers must use one single email address for identification purpose in our submission, registration and conference virtual platforms to be recognised as users in these systems.


All delegates registered to the conference can attend symposia as a part of the core programme.


Speakers and chairs must register for the conference.

Use of non-stigmatising language

The Union is committed to promoting person-centred language in all conference abstracts and presentations. When drafting your submission, The Union requests that you follow the guidelines laid out in the Stop TB Partnership’s publication, Suggested Language and Usage for Tuberculosis Care, Communications and Publications.

Please note, proposals using stigmatising language will be penalised in the review process.




Session date

Courses will be scheduled before and after the conference. The specific dates will be confirmed once the session is accepted

Session duration

Courses are up to three hours long. The session preferred duration should be indicated during the online submission process: 90, 120 or 180 minutes.


Please select the most appropriate track. Note this is to assist with programme planning, track choice has no impact on the selection process 

The list of scientific tracks is available here


All post-graduate courses will be virtual. They will take place “live” and will be recorded as they happen. It will be a didactic webinar-style course of 90, 120 or 180 minutes with a discussion time at the end of the session. 

Chairs and coordinators

Post-Graduate Courses should have one or two coordinators. They will be responsible for communicating with speakers, promptly liaising with the Secretariat about the session agenda, changes and facilitating or co-facilitating the course.  

Submitters will also have the option to include up to two course chairs that will moderate the session. In this case and for diversity purposes, it is important that the coordinators of the session do not chair sessions they coordinate.


A minimum of four and a maximum of five speakers according to the duration of the session.

Session description

Description sub-heading should include course objectives, expected outputs/outcomes, and relevance of the topic for the target audience in 300 words or fewer.  

Each course should be organised around a specific theme, have clear learning objectives and specific knowledge to be gained. The agenda must include time for discussion.   

If accepted, this description will be available online for participants.

Presentation description

A short description of 100 words or fewer must be submitted for each presentation.


A biography of no more than 100 words must be submitted for each proposed speaker.


Online submission will be open until 12 May 2021. Post-graduate Courses are editable until then. No further changes are accepted after that deadline.


Post-graduate courses are assessed based on objectives, relevance, presentation, originality, utilisation of evidence, geographical impact, and country.

Contact with submitters

Please make sure that you enter the active email address of the coordinator/s, chairs and/or and speaker/s. All communication will be made with these email addresses. 


Course organisers are required to pay a € 2,500 fee to organise their session online. Courses will be open to all. 

Use of nonstigmatising language

The Union is committed to promoting person-centred language in all conference abstracts and presentations. When drafting your submission, The Union requests that you follow the guidelines laid out in the Stop TB Partnership’s publication, Suggested Language and Usage for Tuberculosis Care, Communications and Publications.

Please note, proposals using stigmatising language will be penalised in the review process.




Session date

Workshops will be held before and after the conference. The specific dates will be confirmed once the sessions are accepted.

Session duration

Workshops are up to three hours long. The session preferred duration should be indicated during the online submission process: 90, 120 or 180 minutes.


Please select the most appropriate track. Note this is to assist with programme planning, track choice has no impact on the selection process 

The list of scientific tracks is available here


The session will take place “live” and will be recorded as it happens. Interactivity is required for the proposed format consisting in a practical and audience-engaging session of 120 or 180 minutes including not only presentations and practical exercises but also polls, quizzes, small case studies, simulations and/or multiple-choice questions. A maximum of 5 break out rooms will be offered for workshops. 

Chairs and coordinators

Workshops should have one or two coordinators. They will be responsible for communicating with speakers, promptly liaising with the Secretariat about the session agenda, changes and facilitating or co-facilitating the workshop. 

Submitters will also have the option to include up to two course chairs. In this case and for diversity purposes, it is important that the coordinators of the session do not chair sessions they coordinate.


A minimum of four and a maximum of five speakers (according to the duration of the session).

Session description

Description sub-heading should include workshop objectives, specific skills and knowledge to be gained, expected outputs/outcomes and relevance of the topic for the target audience in 300 words or fewer.

Active learning and participation are expected including in the presentation format (i.e. videos). The session agenda should include ample time for discussion and interactive activities.

Presentation description

A short description of 100 words or fewer must be submitted for each presentation.


A biography of no more than 100 words must be submitted for each proposed speaker.


Online submission will be open until 12 May 2021. Workshops are editable until then. No further changes are accepted after that deadline.


Workshops are assessed based on objectives, relevance, presentation, originality, utilisation of evidence, geographical impact, and country representation. The session outline must be in line with the session selected format

Contact with submitters

Please make sure that you enter the active email address of the coordinators, chairs and speakers. All communication will be made with this email address.


Workshop organisers pay a fee to present their session online.

Use of non-stigmatising language

The Union is committed to promoting person-centred language in all conference abstracts and presentations. When drafting your submission, The Union requests that you follow the guidelines laid out in the Stop TB Partnership’s publication, Suggested Language and Usage for Tuberculosis Care, Communications and Publications.

Please note, proposals using stigmatising language will be penalised in the review process.




Webinar/masterclass style session with Q&A at the end


Practical session  (with break out rooms, polls or quizzes) interlaced with Q&A
