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Delivering specialised training on management of DR-TB in China

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The Union Training and Education

Monthly news item – July 2024

The Union has a proven track record of collaborating closely with partners to develop training courses that meet health care workers’ specific needs and result in successful outcomes.


Since 2013, The Union has been invited as technical expert by FHI 360 to provide technical expertise and training for the Chinese National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP), as they build their capacity to address current TB challenges – mainly DR-TB and TB-HIV.


Each of these annual trainings has been led by Dr Ignacio Monedero-Recuero, a long-term faculty of Union courses.

Dr Ignacio Monedero, teaching


The Union approach


In July 2024, The Union delivered the eleventh clinical and programmatic training on the management of DR-TB in Kunming, Yunnan Province. 


The intensive five-day course consisted of four-days of comprehensive training and one-day practical training in hospital based in real case management. The training included 10 academic lectures and 23 clinical case reviews.


The 84 participants included TB physicians, public health officers from different provinces including Yunnan, Wuhan, Shanghai Beijing and others, as well as key national decision makers. They were given an understanding of the clinical and programmatic management of DR-TB, as well as addressing complications using data-driven insights, and real-life clinical case studies.


In addition, the course covered recent development and international guideline changes, DR-TB, DS-TB and child and adolescent WHO guidelines.


The results


The training was very successful, strengthening China in terms of both clinical practice, and programmatic and policy management.


The Union remains in touch with participants, offering continuous follow-up communications and support on the management of patients with a high pattern of resistance or any other difficulty or programmatic dilemmas.