Stand in Union - Join the movement today

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Stand in Union - Join the movement today

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Influence through collaboration

  • Shape the future of lung health: Join a scientific section and work with other members to change lung health, impact policies, and champion change.
  • Join forces to create change locally: Coordinate with members in your region to develop conferences, workshops and other projects.
  • Find partners and collaborators: Members gain access to a global database of clinicians, researchers, allied health professionals, policy leaders, community leaders and advocates. 
  • Drive content to influence global events: Members shape the scientific content of the Union World Conference on Lung Health, through the Coordinating Committee of Scientific Activities.

Learn through connection

  • Knowledge sharing at an international level: Members benefit from reduced registration rates at the Union World Conference, and they organise regional conferences to fight lung health challenges locally.
  • Enhance your continuous learning: Members receive discounts on Union courses to learn clinical expertise, management and research skills from experts in the field.
  • Get the latest scientific news: Access The Union’s monthly peer-reviewed journal, the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.
  • Learn together online:  Participate in one of our many member-exclusive webinars on the latest science and research. Developed by members for members and delivered by experts.

Raise your profile and share your views

  • Guide scientific research through debate: Lead on webinars or workshops to profile and share your work with others, support their growth and create a shared learning experience.
  • Become a thought leader: Members are supported to co-author essential technical guides and position statements on critical public health issues.
  • Extend your reach: Write an article for the member-exclusive newsletter. Distributed to members monthly, it provides a platform to profile your work; enabling collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Shine in the spotlight: Be featured in the Member Spotlight column of the member newsletter, or become one of our Union Achievers and showcase your work on our website.

Membership types and fees

Membership to The Union means you are part of something bigger, a global force and movement of like-minded individuals who champion change for a better future in lung health.

Join as an Individual

Any interested individual may join The Union to support its international work and take advantage of the professional opportunities its worldwide network offers.

Type of Membership 1 year
Member from low and lower-middle income country €25  
Member from upper-middle and high income country €150
Student member (in training and 35 or under) €25  

Join as an Organisation

Any organisation that shares the vision and goals of The Union may apply to become an organisation member, and benefit from:

Our fees vary depending on which country an organisation is based. 

If your organisation is interested in joining The Union, please get in touch on

Become a Union Benefactor

Members who are able to make an additional contribution on top of their membership fee to support The Union are recognised as Benefactor members.

Silver: Annual donation of €500 – 999

Gold: Annual donation of €1,000 – 1,999

Platinum: Annual donation of > €2,000

Start your membership today