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Spotlight: The Zoonotic TB Sub-section

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Zoonotic tuberculosis (TB) is a form of TB in people predominantly caused by Mycobacterium bovis

The Zoonotic TB Sub-section aims to understand the dynamics of zoonotic TB and create global recognition, using a global network of veterinarians, physicians, researchers, economists and social anthropologists to provide a platform for collaboration, global advocacy and support.

The Union's scientific sections and working groups offer members an opportunity to affiliate with others who share the same interests and collaborate on research, publications and projects. 

If you are interested in these issues, become a member of The Union, and then you are welcome to join The Union’s Zoonotic TB Sub-Section.

Union Achievers

Prof Simeon Cadmus

Former Chair of The Union’s Zoonotic TB Sub-section, and Professor at Centre for Control and Prevention of Zoonoses, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

“The Sub-section has taken a leading role in the prevention and control of zoonotic TB and related issues. At the Union World Conference, we launched the The Road Map for Zoonotic TB, a policy document that addressed the major health and economic impacts of this disease, prioritising collation of scientific evidence, reducing transmission at the animal-human interface, and strengthening intersectoral and collaborative approaches.” 

Member highlight

The Road Map for Zoonotic TB

The Sub-section was instrumental in the creation of The Union's publication: the first-ever Roadmap for Zoonotic TB, a policy document that addressed the major health and economic impacts of ZTB.

The publication was created by four partners in health, the World Health Organization, the World Organisation for Animal Health, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and The Union.

Member Highlight

Dr Alejandro Perera

Veterinarian Dr Alejandro Perera of Mexico studies bovine tuberculosis (M bovis), which brings both public health risks and economic losses from inspection and carcass condemnation to culling and farmer compensation. Dr Perera has also participated in diagnosis and prevention research through a US-Mexico effort to create a bovine TB serum bank used to develop and validate new diagnostic tools.

Member Highlight

Dr Adrian Muwonge

Dr Adrian Muwonge, a member of the Zoonotic TB sub-section, is a Ugandan molecular epidemiologist working with the Roslin institute to understand the spread, diagnostics and evolution of the M tuberculosis complex at the animal-human-animal interface.