Established in 2015, the Community-Based DR-TB Care Programme, partners with healthcare workers, nurses, and community volunteers to establish an extensive group of people equipped to provide drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) care and support services. It is implemented in 29 high-burden townships by covering approximately 6 million people in the three regions of Mandalay, Sagaing, Magway, and the State of Shan.
Support to people with DR-TB, includes financial and nutritional support, community mobilisation through specially trained volunteers, ensuring Directly Observed Treatment, systematic household contact screening and adherence assistance, psychosocial and nutrition advice support for patients, ensuring infection control practice and timely referral for clinical management of any treatment side effects.
To deliver comprehensive care to people with DR-TB, The Union also provides social protection support package under the USAID grant covering around 480 individuals. The support package helps reduce out of pocket health expenditures and catastrophic costs.
people with DR-TB receiving monetary support
people with DR-TB receiving community TB care
Contacts of people with DR-TB referred for TB screening and diagnosis
TB cases notified among contacts