Members of The Union Latin America Region
The Union is divided into seven regions to provide a platform for addressing lung health and related issues from a regional perspective. This structure offers members opportunities to network with colleagues who face the same regional challenges and contributes to The Union's deep understanding of local issues.
The Union Latin America Region is made up of organisational and individual members.
The 19th Conference of The Union Latin America Region, took place during the Congress of the Asociación Latinoamericana de Tórax, in Panama, bringing together clinicians, researchers, health care professionals, politicians, the media and people affected by tuberculosis (TB).
Organised by Union members, the conference brings together experts to discuss regional approaches to lung health challenges, including TB, lung disease, tobacco control and air pollution.
Incoming President of The Union, Professor Guy Marks shares his vision for the future
Earlier this month, at the 50th Union World Conference on Lung Health, in Hyderabad, India, The Union welcomed new President, Professor…
The Union welcomes Federal Senate approval of tobacco control Bill in Brazil
The Union welcomes the approval of a Bill by Brazil’s Federal Senate on Tuesday 12 November extending measures to fight the tobacco…
The role of the judicial system in protecting the human right to health
The Union’s Regional Director for Latin America, Gustavo Sóñora, advocated for the judicial system to play a role in the protection of…
Tribute to Edith Alarcón Arrascue
The Union is sad to announce the passing of our friend and colleague, Edith Alarcón Arrascue, on 27 August 2019, in Lima, Peru.
Preventing tuberculosis infection the focus of the TB-HIV Symposium in Mexico
The TB-HIV Symposium, held in Mexico in advance of the 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science, launched a call to action to reach out to six…
In memoriam: Professor Victorino Farga Cuesta
Professor Victorino Farga Cuesta, former Executive Director of The Union and Honorary Member, died this week on 15 July, having just…