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Reinvigorating our vision, mission and values

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Since 1920, The Union has been at the centre of the fight against tuberculosis (TB) and lung disease. We have achieved great things over the last 100 years and counting.

From Union members Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin developing the first TB vaccine in 1921 and developing and demonstrating a model of TB control that was adopted and disseminated, known as DOTS, by the World Health Organization in the 1990s, to jointly establishing the Global Asthma Network in 2012 and hosting the annual World Conference on Lung Health.

Along the way The Union has become many different things to many different people: a membership organisation, a scientific body, an implementation partner, and an advocacy and communications voice.

Prof Guy Marks, Interim Executive Director and President, said: “As we embark on our second century, it is important that we take the opportunity to remind ourselves of who we are and our purpose.

“In collaboration with members and colleagues across The Union, we have reinvigorated our vision, mission and values.

“To achieve our vision and mission, we embody our core values in everything we do.”

Our vision

A healthier world for all, free of tuberculosis and lung disease

Our mission

The Union strives to end suffering due to tuberculosis and lung diseases, old and new, by advancing better prevention and care. We seek to achieve this by the generation, dissemination and implementation of knowledge into policy and practice.

We aim to ensure that no-one is left behind, people are treated equally and we have a focus on vulnerable and marginalised populations and communities.

Our values

  • Accountability: We are responsible stewards of resources, deliver on our commitments, and are accountable to our stakeholders
  • Respect: We recognise people’s intrinsic value and have due regard for the welfare, beliefs, perceptions, customs and cultural heritage of those we deal with
  • Transparency: We are open and direct in our dealings
  • Quality: We deliver our services and products to the highest possible standards
  • Independence: We seek to pursue our mission free from interference by conflicts of interest