Teams from the TB and HIV/AIDS programmes in Zimbabwe and Namibia, as well as patient representatives and HIV activists, participated in the Union's course "Working Together: Strengthening the Implementation of Collaborative TBHIV Activities" in July 2011. The 4-1/2 day course was offered in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe from July 18–22 and in Okahandja District in Namibia from July 25–29.
The curriculum follows the World Health Organization's framework for TB/HIV collaboration, highlighting 12 components. This includes the "3 I's": intensified case finding of tuberculosis, attention to airborne infection control and the use of isoniazid preventive therapy.
In Zimbabwe, representatives of all eight provinces and the city of Chitungwiza participated in the first session, and they were joined by two activists from the Zimbabwe National Network for Positive People. All 13 regions of Namibia participated in the second session, which was also attended by observers from Botswana.
During the course, teams of people working in each programme prepared barrier-breaking plans for TB/HIV collaboration under the direction of faculty from The Union. Local experts and past course participants also assisted.
Over the next 12 months, the teams will be monitored by relevant Ministry of Health officials, and The Union staff help both countries to assess progress in 2012. Funding for these courses was provided by TB CARE I in Zimbabwe and Namibia.
First offered in 2010, this TB/HIV course has now been held in China, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Plans are being developed for courses in Botswana, Zambia and Latin America. If you are interested in having it presented in your country, please contact Dr. Paula Fujiwara for more information.