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PICTS incorporates GPs and community-based groups into Myanmar’s TB case finding project

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Two recent advocacy meetings organised by the Program to Increase Catchment of Tuberculosis Suspects (PICTS) have greatly increased the support network for this TB case finding project in Mandalay.

The first meeting brought together 160 General Practitioners (GPs) to learn about the TB burden in Myanmar, the National TB Programme (NTP) and the role of PICTS. Presentations by staff from the NTP and The Union Office in Myanmar also covered how to refer presumptive TB cases, current clinical perspectives and the interaction between TB and diabetes mellitus. 

 The second meeting focused on increasing the participation of community-based organisations (CBO), self-help groups (SHG), and the Mandalay HIV-positive network. PICTS' representatives and members from 45 groups attended the meeting held in Mandalay.

The participants discussed issues ranging from the need to improve TB case finding and the TB patient referral system to the political and social changes in Myanmar. These changes, supported in part by international nongovernmental organisations such as The Union, are making it possible for community, social welfare and faith-based organisations to blossom and play a bigger role in society.

PICTS will provide the new volunteers with training and support and develop a communication network so everyone can be aware of how the project is progressing. Organisers expect that the broader network will improve communication and the quality of services provided to the local communities.