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The Union North America to be partner in new Bloomberg Road Safety Initiative

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More than 1.2 million people die and 20-50 million people are severely injured in road traffic crashes around the world every year

The Union North America (UNA) has been named as one of eight Road Safety partners who will support the next phase of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Initiative. With a new commitment of US $125 million over five years, the initiative will work at both the national level to strengthen road safety legislation and at city level to implement proven road safety interventions.

Traffic accidents are a leading cause of death and injury worldwide, and the problem is particularly acute in low-income countries. Since Bloomberg Philanthropies began working on road safety in 2007, nearly 2 billion people have been covered by strengthened road safety laws; 65 million people have been exposed to hard-hitting media campaigns promoting road safety; close to 30,000 professionals have been trained on road safety tactics; and local governments have committed $225 million towards infrastructure improvements that will make roads safer.

The next phase will focus on five selected countries and 10 cities. The five countries selected to receive technical support to review and strengthen road safety legislation are China, India, Philippines, Thailand and Tanzania. The ten cities that will receive technical assistance, training and other resources to advance road safety are Accra, Ghana; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Bandung, Indonesia; Bangkok, Thailand; Bogota, Colombia; Fortaleza, Brazil; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Mumbai, India; São Paulo, Brazil; and Shanghai, China.

With assistance from the world’s leading experts in road safety, winning cities will establish an elite network of visionary municipal leaders who commit to implementing bold, new efforts to save lives and protect their citizens from road traffic injuries.

The Union North America (UNA)’s role will be to serve as the principal liaison with the Mayor’s office/central city authority in coordinating the initiative. UNA will also provide the technical assistance around mass media to participating cities.

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About The Union North America (UNA)
The Union North America (UNA) is a US-based international public health organisation. It is affiliated with the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) headquartered in Paris. The UNA office is located in New York City. Learn more about UNA.