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Joint 20th Annual Conference of The Union North America Region and the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association

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The Union North America Region and the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association are holding a joint 20th annual conference in Denver, Colorado (USA) on 24-27 February 2016.

This year's agenda includes wide-ranging clinical, scientific and programmatic topics. Particular focus is given to pediatric tuberculosis, drug-resistant TB, TB genomics in public health practice and exploring various present day social issues, such as the migration of unaccompanied minors and homelessness.

Pre-meeting events will include the traditional NTCA section meetings, a TB scientific symposium and an epidemiology workshop, as well as a social media training workshop.

In addition, the second Communications Training for TB Survivors will be co-located with the conference, and participants will be invited to join us so that their voices and stories can add to the richness of the agenda and inspire us to continue our fight to eliminate TB.

For more information and to register