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Webinar: Can mobile health (mHealth) help accelerate progress towards ending tuberculosis?’

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A Union webinar on 22 August (1pm Geneva time) will discuss how mobile health (mHealth) – an approach of using mobile devices like mobile phones to support healthcare - is being used in different ways by TB programmes in some high-burden countries.

A Union webinar on 22 August (1pm Geneva time) will discuss how mobile health (mHealth) – an approach of using mobile devices like mobile phones to support healthcare - is being used in different ways by tuberculosis (TB) programmes in some high-burden countries.

A study carried out by The Union South-East Asia Office (published in Public Health Action, June 2017) concluded that “mHealth technology was highly effective, and increased both public and private health care provider accountability to patients.”

Similarly, a Union led pilot project in India - which used web-based software to provide real time case reporting and treatment adherence support to TB patients treated in the private sector - reported that 95 percent of patients under the project were adhering to treatment.

Both of these schemes and other mHealth schemes are addressing a number of the challenges that need to be overcome to have worldwide prevention, diagnosis and treatment of TB. The panel will discuss a range of projects and explore the potential for mHealth.

The panel of experts includes:

* Dr Suneetha Narreddy, Senior Infectious Diseases expert, Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, India

* Dr Archana Trivedi, Senior Expert, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), South-East Asia Office

* Dr Charle Sandy, Deputy Director, National AIDS/ TB Programme, Zimbabwe


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