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The Union’s Journal leads the way in published studies on TB and COVID-19

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A digital library of tuberculosis and COVID-19 publications has been published by the World Health Organisation (WHO) providing a comprehensive resource for the TB community.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has published a digital library of tuberculosis (TB) and COVID-19 publications, providing a comprehensive resource for the TB community.

Launched on 5 June, Dr Tereza Kasaeva, WHO Director of the Global TB Programme, described the digital library as “a compendium on TB and COVID-19 interlinkages” and “an important resource for implementers, researchers, funders, civil society and policymakers to build on lessons learned and [provide strong] preparedness to mitigate the impact of outbreaks like COVID-19 on the millions who are ill with TB”.

The library contains full text articles on different topics such as prevention, screening, clinical observation, treatment and modelling, and was created to help stakeholders quickly find and access the latest information. Currently the WHO TB/COVID19 digital library features 156 studies, comprising perspectives, predictive models, primary and secondary analysis and reviews. 

Of the 70 studies published from international scientific journals, The Union’s International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IJTLD) leads the way with 17 peer-reviewed, published studies on TB and COVID-19.

Hugh Blackbourn, Director of Publications for The Union, said: “Sharing timely new research, information and opinion has always been a priority for the IJTLD, and never more so than since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“These unprecedented times have imbued us all with a sense of urgency – and I am grateful to all of the authors and referees who have helped the IJTLD to publish so much high value, peer reviewed content so quickly.

“As we move into the next phase of this global emergency our energy has not diminished. We already have a total of 30 fast-track publications with more to come. Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more information.”

Read the latest fast track papers on The Union website along with all of the information in our COVID-19 toolkit.

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