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New Maternal–Child Tuberculosis Working Group formed

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Maternal TB during pregnancy and postpartum is associated with poor outcomes for both mother and child, especially for HIV-infected pregnant women with TB disease. However, key healthcare entry points for women and children still lack integrated TB screening and prevention efforts.

A new Union Maternal–Child Tuberculosis Working Group has been formed to improve TB prevention, detection and treatment for women and children by integrating TB and TB-HIV services into maternal and child health settings, including clinics offering immunisation, antenatal care and prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission services.

The group’s objectives are to:

  • share information about promising practices and experiences with country implementation;
  • advocate for increased attention to the needs of women and children with TB and TB-HIV;
  • close critical research and practice gaps in this field.

Activities planned include symposia at the Union World Conferences on Lung Health in 2015 and 2016, meta-analyses and systematic reviews to inform research and programme priorities, development of implementation guides and tools to assist maternal and child health programmes and publication of a photojournalism project highlighting maternal and childhood tuberculosis.  This Working Group falls under the Adult & Child Lung Health Scientific Section.

Working Group Co-chairs:

  • Dr Surbhi Modi, Lead, Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Team at US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA)
  • Dr Adrie Bekker, Neonatologist, Stellenbosch University, Tygerberg Children’s Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa
  • Dr Lisa Cranmer, Assistant Professor of Pediatric Infectious Disease, Emory University School of Medicine, and Children’s Physician Group (USA)

Interested Union members are invited to join the new Maternal-Child Tuberculosis Working Group. To join, please log in to your account at and click on “Membership”, followed by “My membership details”, where you may then select your working group preferences.