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In India, new app reports violations and provides cessation resources

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The People’s Forum for Tobacco Control, a civil society group in Tamilnadu launched a new app, with Union support, that creates a platform for reporting violations of tobacco control law. All reports submitted via the app will be reviewed by civil society at national level and then used to support government action against violators. The app will also function as an information service for those seeking referrals to cessation services. The goal is to introduce this new tool across all states in India.

Other WNTD news from India

Uttar Pradesh: The city of Kanpur, home to 4.5 million people, was declared smokefree by regional government ministers. The state also hosted a march by candlelight; a workshop on tackling illicit trade of tobacco products; and rallies involving staff and students from schools, colleges and hospitals.

Kerala’s chief minister made an official statement at a meeting with students and civil society committing to introduce a comprehensive tobacco control policy for the state; to maintain taxation levels for all tobacco products, including beedis; and to ban tobacco advertising and promotion.