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Farewell Don Enarson

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The Union is very sad to learn that Don Enarson, our first full-time Director of Scientific Activities, died on Wednesday. Don joined The Union from 1991 until 2013.

Don was an extraordinary person. His vision, intelligence, originality, humility, love of humanity and his kindness had a profound impact on all who met him and many more who did not meet him.

There will be much debate in the coming weeks and months about his greatest contributions and achievements: the DOTS strategy, its global expansion and ongoing development; the reputation of The Union as the pre-eminent source of expert advice and support for national TB programs and Ministries of Health (in collaboration with Nils Billo, Executive Director of The Union); the application of public health and DOTS principles to other lung health problems: asthma, COPD, pneumonia and ARI in children; research on the epidemiological basis of TB and the public health approach to TB prevention and care; advocacy for, and implementation of, the epidemiological approach to disease control; and the mentoring of a generation of lung health leaders around the world.

Prof Guy Marks, President and Interim Executive Director, said: “As one of many Union members of a certain age, I can say that Don was instrumental in exciting me about TB as a global health problem and drawing me in to The Union family. I am forever grateful to him.

“I know many of our colleagues are reflecting on Don’s role in their lives and careers today. We must re-double our efforts to do justice to his memory by finally achieving our vision of ending suffering due to TB and lung diseases.

“Our thoughts go to Penny and to Don’s many friends around the world with whom I share this profound loss.”