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Battling TB in India with the help of a new “superhero”

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In India, a new superhero called Bulgam Bhai is on a mission to educate people about the symptoms of TB and the need to have their sputum tested if they have coughed for two weeks or more. The round, colourful character, who introduces himself as "Myself Bulgam Bhai", was developed by BBC World Trust for a new television and radio ad campaign launched by Project Axshya in February.


Project Axshya, meaning 'TB-free', is a civil society initiative led by The Union to strengthen TB control efforts in India. The project, funded by The Global Fund, is reaching out to nearly 600 million people in 300 districts across India through a network of partner NGOs and community volunteers.


Like other superheroes, Bulgam Bhai has a costume, vocabulary and mannerisms of his own. He uses humour to remind people that if they have a persistent cough for two weeks or more they should be tested for TB at their nearest designated microscopy centre (DMC). In the ads, he uses his special powers to find and pop up next to people who are coughing and ask them: "Do hafte ho gaye kya?" ("Has it been two weeks?").


The campaign message is based on research conducted by one of the Axshya partners, PSI, which found that people knew about TB, but did not connect the two week's cough with the need to be tested. The ads are running in five languages on national and regional channels in six states throughout March.


"We have to reach people 'where they live' to generate awareness about the disease, change behaviour and save lives," said Sarabjit Chadha, Project Director, Project Axshya.


Dr. Nevin Wilson, Director of The Union South-East Asia Office, said: "The Bulgum Bhai campaign is an embodiment of all the advocacy, communication and social mobilisation activities that Axshya is funding across India to amp up the volume about TB care and control."


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