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Operational research to improve health services

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The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) has developed a comprehensive guide on operational research. The second edition of Operational Research to Improve Health Services: A practical guide for protocol development, data capture and analysis, scientific writing, publishing and translation of evidence to policy and practice presents completely revised and updated content of the guide published in 2013.

In its 15 chapters this guide aims to improve understanding of all aspects of operational research in the context of public health research from development of a proposal, obtain the necessary ethics approval, capture and analyse data and prepare a paper for publication in peer-reviewed journals.

The target audience consists of healthcare professionals who are actively engaged in implementing disease control programmes and other health services and who are interested in conducting operational research to improve health system performance and health care delivery

This guide was developed by a writing team from the Centre for Operational Research of The Union consisting of Anthony D Harries, Ajay MV Kumar, Divya Nair, Srinath Satyanarayana and Pruthu Thekkur.