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The Union and its global partners call for bans on tobacco advertising

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The Union called on world leaders to ban TAPS and help save the lives of up to 70 million people, seven percent of the world's current one billion smokers. The Union worked with current grantees under the Bloomberg Initiative grants programme to reinforce this message regionally, nationally and locally:

• CHINA: The Union supported Bloomberg Initiative grantee China Centre for Disease Control to evaluate bans on TAPS in China. The evaluation report released on World No Tobacco Day, proposed recommendations to eliminate TAPS. In line with the report, 6,000 schools, universities, research institutes and hospitals agreed to ban tobacco sponsorship.

• INDIA: The Union and local tobacco control partners worked to raise awareness about inadequate enforcement of the national ban on TAPS. In Madhya Pradesh, a 'Wall of Shame' displayed photographs of TAPS violations. Illegal advertising was removed in Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Kerala, Assam, Mizoram, Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The Union released the results of TAPS compliance surveys in Mohali and Vadodara.

• BANGLADESH: Public rallies, cultural shows, local radio broadcasts and mobile courts were used by Union partners to raise awareness of Bangladesh's tobacco advertising ban which has recently been extended to cover point-of-sale and alleged 'corporate social responsibility' sponsorships.

• EGYPT: The Union in Egypt worked with local partners to call for action against tobacco advertising and other tactics that target youth.

• CHAD: The Union supported The Ministry of Health and the Chadian Consumer Association to conduct an evaluation of national bans on smoking and tobacco advertising.

• VIET NAM: The Union marked World No Tobacco Day in Hue City with the launch of a new tobacco control law.

• PAKISTAN: The Union supported a media blitz by the Tobacco Control Cell, which included an hour-long TV programme focusing on bans on TAPS, several radio programmes, special editions national and local newspapers and other TV segments.

• RUSSIA: The Union focused on public forums sensitising the public about the new national Smoke Free law, which includes bans on give-aways, sponsorships and point-of-sale displays.

• THE PHILIPPINES: Union grantees called on the government to strengthen bans on TAPS through consultation workshops, media engagement and public art installations in the metro rail transport system of Manila.

• ARGENTINA: The Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires, recipient of a Union grant on tobacco control, set a Guinness Record for measuring carbon monoxide in 4,300 people as part of a World No Tobacco Day event.