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First course to be offered in Iran focuses on MDR-/XDR-TB

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The Union was recently invited to offer training on the clinical management of multidrug- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-/XDR-TB) and TB infection control in the Islamic Republic of Iran. This was the first time a Union course has been offered there.

The main focus of the course, which included 50 hours of instruction over five days, was to provide comprehensive training for both clinicians who manage drug-resistant cases and TB coordinators from the Iranian National TB Programme.  The 28 participants, who came to Tehran from across the country, had broad experience with TB and were highly motivated, making the course lively and collaborative. Sessions were presented in English with translation into Persian.

This training was presented by The Union’s MDR-TB Unit at the request of the Iranian National TB Program and funded by the Global Fund, the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization.