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4th Islamic Conference of OIC Health Ministers adopted resolutions on tobacco control

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The conference resolutions support ratification of the FCTC and other measures

The Islamic Conference of Health Ministers (ICHM) convenes bi-annually to discuss the priority health issues of Muslim communities and to review different aspects of population health status in member countries, including health developments, requirements and priorities.

The Fourth ICHM, was held in Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia from 22 to 24 October 2013. Under Resolution No. 2/4-ICHM on ‘Healthy Life Style and Prevention and Control of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases’, the conference adopted the following three resolutions on tobacco control in OIC Member States:

1)     No. 31 urges  Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Member States to take steps to speedily ratify the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), and if not done then to improve the implementation of all MPOWER measures;

2)     No. 32 Invites Member States to sign and ratify the WHO Protocol to eliminate illicit trade in tobacco products and better co-ordinate their efforts on this and also to encourage Member States not to host tobacco trade fairs;

3)     No. 33 Calls upon Member States and relevant national and OIC institutions and civil society organisations to actively co-operate with and participate in the capacity-building activities and programmes of the SESRIC Tobacco Free OIC initiative.

 The Jakarta Declaration, which was adopted by the 4th ICHM. also referred to the issue of tobacco control. The Declaration stated:

“We further recognise the increase of mortality associated to non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes mellitus and respiratory diseases. We continue to support Member States in their effort to prevent and control NCDs and its risk factors, including through the promotion of implementation of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control”.

This declaration is important for the governmental and non-governmental partners in Indonesia – including The Union – who are working to ensure the FCTC is ratified and the government strengthens tobacco control measures. The Union is also working with SESRIC (the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries) to promote further OIC encouragement to the Indonesian government.