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Party brightens lives of HIV-infected children in Myanmar

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A party in Mandalay helped 120 children with HIV put aside their difficulties for a few hours last month. The festive event included gifts of toys for all the children, as well as performances, such as "Thukhuma Khayethe" which means "art traveler", a magic show, the Network Youth Dancers and, of course, refreshments. In addition to the toys given to each child, toy prizes were given to the children who won a colouring competition.  Some 60 adults also attended the party.

Organised by The Union Office in Myanmar and its partners in the IHC Programme, the party was sponsored by IHC donors Total E & P Myanmar, T&E International, and United Engineering and held at the IHC Outpatient Department of the National AIDS Programme in Mandalay General Hospital on 28 December 2013.

The lives of all the children invited to the party have been heavily affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic – in addition to being HIV-positive themselves, many have parents on antiretroviral treatment and still others have lost parents to the disease. 

“We called this a Psychosocial Support Party because it was about much more than giving the children a donated toy”, said Dr Philippe Clevenbergh, Director of The Union Office in Myanmar. “It was a celebration aimed a contributing to the children’s physical and mental health in a variety of ways”.

This was the third such party The Union has organised where donated toys have been distributed to HIV-infected children. The hope is to continue the tradition next year, if funding is available.