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Union as WCTOH secretariat encourages delegates to save water during Cape Town conference

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Cape Town and the Western Cape is currently experiencing a significant drought, however we are able to confirm that the 17th World Conference of Tobacco or Health will continue as planned - without causing a detrimental impact on our host city.

Cape Town and the Western Cape is currently experiencing a significant drought, however we are able to confirm that the 17th World Conference of Tobacco or Health will continue as planned - without causing a detrimental impact on our host city.

The organisers of the 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH), which will be held in Cape Town from 7 – 9 March, are working closely with local hosts to ensure the conference runs smoothly and that we all play our part to support the numerous water saving initiatives that are in place.

Cape Town is open for business as usual with much of the tourist industry proactively adjusting how they utilise water to reassure all visitors that every drop is being used responsibly.

A number of hotels that our delegates will use have taken their properties off the city’s water grid by installing their own alternative sources of water, such as desalination tanks.

The Cape Town International Convention Centre has introduced a number of additional initiatives to reduce water use: installing water tanks to collect rain and grey water, waterless hand-sanitisers in bathrooms, and reduced the flow-rate to bathroom taps.

Hotels, restaurants and bars are operating as usual while proactively implementing mandated water savings.

Delegates are asked to support the water saving initiatives that are currently in place. While there is an adequate supply of water for drinking and all daily hygiene needs, it is important for everyone attending the conference to be mindful of saving water wherever possible.

Measures to reduce water use include:

  • A limit on water consumption to 50 litres or less per person per day
  • Two minute limit on showers
  • Baths are discouraged

All major events have plans in place to ensure they have a zero or heavily reduced water footprint. There will be reminders and guidance on reducing water usage in conference material, and onsite at the conference. Delegates should follow the restriction guidance from the City of Cape Town.