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Submissions open for Encuentro, the community space at the 48th Union World Conference

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Submissions are open for Encuentro, the space dedicated to community involvement and grassroots activism within the 48th Union World Conference on Lung Health.

Submissions are open for Encuentro, the dedicated space for community involvement and grassroots activism within the 48th Union World Conference on Lung Health.  

Encuentro, meaning ‘meeting’ or ‘gathering’ in Spanish, is a place where community activists, civil society, local organisations and others come together with scientists, researchers and policy-makers to rally for a common cause.

Open to the public free of charge, Encuentro will host events, encourage discussion and inspire activism and change.

Participation is open to individuals and local and international groups of all sizes who are committed to improving lung health for everyone. 

The deadline for submissions is 25 May 2017.


Encuentro submission guidelines (PDF 441 KB)


Submit your proposal for Encuentro online