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Invitation to participate – TREAT TB’s Xpert MTB/RIF Research Mapping Tool

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In it's policy recommendation, WHO emphasized the urgent need to further assess Xpert MTB/RIF through research. Open questions relate to the impact of Xpert MTB/RIF when implemented within diagnostic algorithms for different patient groups as well as in different epidemiologic and health contexts.


Currently the tool shows detailed information on 22 research projects in 15 countries. You can find out about research collaborations, patient populations targeted, impact assessment and the main objectives addressed in the different projects. Some projects are closely related to roll-out of Xpert MTB/RIF, others address more basic questions.


Researchers conducting projects assessing Xpert MTB/RIF are invited to add their information via the link provided on the Mapping Tool website.


This initiative aims to be complimentary to WHO's efforts to monitor Xpert MTB/RIF roll-out, which can be followed on the WHO website. The technical lead for the Diagnostic Tool Initiative, Dr. Anne Detjen, hopes that this mapping tool will be a valuable resource for the global health community. For more information on the tool please contact