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44th Union World Conference on Lung Health will focus on “Shared air, safe air?”

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The conference organised each year by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) will be held on 30 October–3 November 2013 at the Palais des Congrès In Paris, France. Registration is now open (early-bird discount offered through 31 July); to register or learn more, please visit

Scientific programme


The five-day scientific programme will offer 19 post-graduate courses and workshops, such as "Making that Air Safer: Sustainable TB Infection Control Approach" and "Operational Research Skills in One Day". Speakers from more than 60 countries will present 53 symposia and more than 100 poster-related sessions. Other highlights will include:

Plenary speakers (partial list)

Dr Diane Havlir (Chief, HIV/AIDS Division and Positive Health Programme, San Francisco General Hospital and Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, USA)
Dr Heather Zar (Head, Paediatric Pulmonology Department, Red Cross Children's Hospital, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Prof Innes Asher (Head, Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health, Faculty of Medical and Health Services, University of Auckland, New Zealand, and Chair, Global Asthma Network)


Special events

Stop TB symposium: "Accelerating Impact: The Transformative Role of Research to End Tuberculosis" – a one-day symposium organised by the World Health Organization and the Stop TB Partnership will take place on Wednesday, 30 October.
Late-breaker sessions: Late-breaker sessions will present the most recent research on TB-HIV (Saturday, 2 November, 14:30–16:30) and TB (Sunday, 3 November 09:15–11:15).
2nd President's Centennial Dinner: A gala dinner will be held on Wednesday, 30 October to raise funds for research and education programmes, as part of The Union Centennial Campaign (1920–2020).

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