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100-day countdown to a smokefree Harbin

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The Vice Mayor of Harbin, Mr. Zhang Wanping, inaugurated the event on 21 February and promised that "the Harbin Government will ensure the implementation of the law and that the health of the citizens of Harbin is protected." Also present at the event were the Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Health Mr. Qin Geng, Ms. Kelly Larson from Bloomberg Philanthropies, Dr. Ehsan Latif from the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), and Cristobal Tunon from the WHO China Office.


Recognising that the media can play a crucial role in the success of any campaign, the Health Bureau of Harbin, who organised the event, delegated two popular local TV anchors as 'Tobacco Control Ambassadors'. Smokefree messages will be promoted on their highly rated talk shows to raise awareness of the issue.


An exhibition on the harms of tobacco use was held in the city centre to complement the launch event. The week-long exhibition of graphic health warnings aimed to raise awareness and support for the smokefree law among the public visiting the busiest street in Harbin.


The Health Bureau also organised a seminar as part of the day's festivities to discuss the upcoming implementation and enforcement of the law. "The key to achieving success in smokefree and tobacco control is to have strong political support from the local leadership. The leadership in Harbin, including the Health Bureau, have shown exemplary commitment to tobacco control," said Dr. Latif, Director of the Tobacco Control Department at The Union during the opening of the seminar.


Representatives from the enforcement agencies, such as the Education Bureau, the Government Office Buildings Bureau, the FDA and the Health Bureau introduced their plans for enforcing the smokefree law, and each of the participants discussed their plans for implementation. Bloomberg Initiative partners, the China Centre for Disease Control and the Ministry of Health, expressed their commitment in supporting Harbin's move to implement the law.