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Chronic Respiratory Diseases


This working group focuses on chronic respiratory problems, across the life course with the goal of advocating for challenge-focused research that is inclusive, equitable and strengthens links between researchers, communities and policymakers.

Completed activities/ contributions/publications:

· GOLD International COLD Conference, United Kingdom & Africa Satellite Program
8th January 2022: Equitable access to affordable quality-assured pharmacological approaches to COPD care.

· The Availability, Cost and Affordability of Essential Medicine for Asthma and COPD in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. Stolbrink M, Thomson H, Hadfield R.M, Ozoh O.B, Nantanda R, Jayasooriya S, Allwood B.W, Halpin D, Salvi S, Montes de Oca M, Mortimer K and Rylance S. Lancet Global Health 2022

· Multi-action virtual stakeholder meeting: Action Plan Formulation, The Union hosted.
Improving access to affordable quality-assured inhaled medicines in low- and middle- income countries. Stolbrink M, Chinouya M, Jayasooriya S, Nightingale R, Evans-Hill L, Allan K, Allen H, Balen J, Beacon T, Bissell K, Chakaya J, Chen-Yuan C, Cohen M, Devereux G, El Sony A, Halpin D, Hurst J, Kiprop C, Lawson A, Macé C, Makhanu A, Makokha P, Masekela R, Meme H, Khoo E, Nantanda R, Pasternak S, Perrin C, Reddel H, Rylance S, Schweikert P, Were C, Williams S, Winders T, Yorgancioglu A, Marks G, Mortimer K.

· Patients with presumed tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa that are not diagnosed with tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Jayasooriya S, Dimambro-Denson, Beecroft C, Balen J, Awokola B, Mitchell C, Campbell F, Dodd P, Mortimer K. Thorax 24th January 2022. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2021-217663

Future activities:

· Qualitative study: Barriers and facilitators to implementation and uptake of inhaled medicines for the treatment of chronic respiratory symptoms in The Gambia. Data collection in progress. Formulation of future patient and public engagement group.

· Coordination of IJTLD ‘Clinical Standards on asthma management in Low/Middle Income Countries’ Delphi process.

· Patients with presumed tuberculosis not diagnosed as tuberculosis: a global systematic review and meta-analysis. PROSPERO CRD42022301016. In progress

· Systematic review - Prevalence of bronchiectasis in Africa In progress

· Kenyan Medical Research Institute – Non communicable disease in Kenya: Burden, early life determinants and interdisciplinary participatory solutions. Data analysis ongoing

· Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) in Nairobi and its neighbouring counties. In progress

crd poster