Annual Report 2023

The Union is a scientific, technical and membership organisation. Established in 1920, The Union strives to end suffering due to tuberculosis and lung diseases by advancing better prevention and care. We seek to achieve this by the generation, dissemination and implementation of knowledge into policy and practice.​ We aim to ensure that no-one is left behind, people are treated equally and we have a focus on vulnerable and marginalised populations and communities.

This annual report provide a summary of The Union’s activities during 2023.

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Annual Report 2023

Published on


Opening session at The Union World Conference on Lung Health 2023

What The Union achieved in 2023

This impact report includes a message from Professor Guy Marks, President and Interim Executive Director, and highlights some of The Union's key achievements in 2023.


The Union gratefully acknowledges all those that supported our work in 2023.

Read the list of acknowledgements.

Financial Reports 2023