What we do

The Union is a global leader in the fight against tobacco use. Since 2006 we have worked in over 50 countries, impacting two-thirds of the world’s smokers. Our experts work with governments and civil society to develop the policies, legislation and infrastructure proven to reduce tobacco use.

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What we do

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The Union's goal is to advance the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) – an international health treaty that provides a coordinated strategy to reduce tobacco use. Our work centres on the WHO’s MPOWER - a package of evidence-based measures designed to help countries effectively implement the WHO FCTC.

Experts worldwide

The Union’s Tobacco Control membership section consists of experts based in every inhabited continent across the globe. They have specialised knowledge in the legal, economic, policy development, management, training and communications aspects of tobacco control.

The Union's global tobacco control networks

Asia Pacific Cities Alliance for Tobacco Control and NCDs Prevention

The Asia Pacific Cities Alliance for Tobacco Control and NCDs Prevention (APCAT) was established in 2016 by The Union Asia Pacific Office in Singapore as a network and forum for subnational leaders working to advance tobacco control in the region. Recognising that subnational leaders’ play a key role in the subnational and national heath and development agenda, the goal of APCAT is to build stronger political commitments, new partnership opportunities, sustainable and effective utilisation of resources and stronger health system performance and outcomes.