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PHA Information for Authors

Public Health Action (PHA) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that actively encourages, communicates and reports new knowledge, dialogue and controversy in health systems and services for poor and vulnerable people.

We encourage young researchers to submit their work, especially on the use of innovative approaches to managing disease, or to improve the effectiveness of the overall health system, while also suggesting ways of translating science into public policy.

The scope of the journal includes:

  • All relevant areas of public health (e.g. infection control, nutrition, vaccines, TB, smoking, COVID-19, microbial resistance etc.).
  • Maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health and continuum of healthcare during the life course, including geriatric care. 
  • Non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, chronic respiratory conditions, cancer and mental health
  • Social determinants of health including basic education/literacy, safe water, sanitation, housing and transportation.

Format for article types

Original Articles: text up to 2500 words, a structured summary of 200 words, 5 moderate-sized tables/figures and 35 references.

Minireview: text up to 2,000 words, a structured or unstructured summary of 250 words, 5 moderate-sized tables/figures and 35 references. Submitted to peer review.

Perspectives: opinion pieces that challenge existing policies or practice or raise unanswered questions. Text up to 2000 words 5 moderate-sized tables/figures and 30 references.

Technical Notes, Short Communications and Notes from the Field: text up to 1000 words, a summary of 100 words, 2 tables/figures and 10 references. These texts describe programme aspects of broad interest to readers.

Editorials: text up to 1,200 words and 10 references. Editorials are usually invited.

Correspondence: text up to 500 words (without tables or figures) and 5 references.

Instructions for Authors

Before submission, authors should download the following forms to ensure that they have complied with requirements:

If you experience any difficulties, please e-mail the PHA Editorial Office.

Publication Fees

As an Open Access, online journal, all articles accepted for publication (Correspondence excepted) incur a publication fee of €2300 to cover the cost of reviewing, editing, typesetting and publishing each article.

These Open Access articles are also sent to PubMed Central and made available as full text html, as well as PDF articles for download.

Queries about methods of payment can be directed to the PHA Editorial Office

Excess page charges: articles that go over length (6 pp for Original Articles, 10 pp for and Review articles) incur an excess page charge of €375 per page.

Supplementary Data: additional tables and figures may be supplied as a PDF that is published online in association with the article. A charge of €325 will be applied per 10 pp of Supplementary Data. The PDF should be submitted with the manuscript for review. Authors will also be requested to move any overlarge tables/figures to Supplementary Data.